Ever have one of those moments where you want something good, but really don’t want to cook. And you’re too lazy to even go out for takout or a rotisserie chicken or something? And there’s nothing frozen or canned within easy grasp that you are in the mood for?
So you stare at your cupboard, pantry, fridge…hungry, yet unmotivated. You could just grab some deli meats and slap them between two slices of bread and mustard, but…nahhh. Grab a dish of ice cream and forget about it? ::sigh:: No, no, you’ll just feel guilty about it. You want real food, dammit, you just want it without expending any real effort; because it’s the weekend, and you’re feeling like a big lazy slug, and why mess with a good thing?..
"Oh, crap, what is there to eat around here?..Nah, pfft, no, no, too much trouble, no way, that shit is disgusting, no, oh be serious…uhhh…hmmm. Gourmet marinated mushrooms? Boy, those are tasty. Not exactly a meal, though…sooo, hey, some marinated sun-dried tomatoes over here. Them’s pretty good too. Mushrooms…tomatoes…needs meat! Or something. Oh, ah, got some chicken breasts right here. Awright, what else? Errrr…well, what more do I need?
Great…so…now what? You got your chickens, your mushrooms, your tomatoes…little bit o’ dis, little bit o’ dat…oh fuck it, throw it all together in a dish. Whoah. That’s a lot of oil or marinade, or whatever that is. OK, dump off some of the marinade…but it’ll still need a bit more flavor. Errr…what’ve we got in here? Some kinda sauce or something is what I need…ermmmm…“Newman’s Own Olive Oil and Vinegar Salad Dressing”. Salad dressing?? Hell, why not? This is disgusting. Nah, it’ll be fine. Whatever. What’s this? “Italian Seasoning”…Awright, few dashes of that, too.
OK, so, I dunno, drizzle a little salad dressing on there, throw the chicken, marinated mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes topped with some spices in a casserole dish and, uhhh…cook it! How? The oven! Yes! 'K, so it needs to be hot, of course. How hot? 375 F? Sounds good to me. Cook until…it’s done. Which will be…when? Whatever, how about 45 minutes? Fine. Back to the couch…
<45 minutes later>
::sniff sniff:: Hey, that smells pretty good. Really good, in fact. Lemme just spear a hunk of chicken here…wife’s not around, don’t need a plate…mmmmm. MMMMMM! Holy shit, that’s mighty good! What have I done? I thought it was gonna be dog food! Man, those tomatoes, with the marinade and the olive oil…and the chicken’s so juicy and got a nice tang to it! Hot damn, how’d I do that??"
Ever have one of those meals?