Another Weber fan checking in. Haven’t read At All Costs yet, so there may be more to what I’m putting up.
Some (expanded) background on Manticoran politics (Chronos has done a good job of filling in the basics, but here’s a bit more):
Liberal Party: the worst of “moonbat” Liberals for a long time. Heavy on “Social Theory,” short on practical application. Would like to turn the Star Kingdom into a welfare state. Recently, they’ve had a bit of an internal shake-up, and will probably come back down to “reality” quite a bit more.
Conservative Party: The Nobility First! Isolationists, protectionists. Since the House of Lords is, by definition, comprised of the nobility, they are disproportionately powerful for their numbers. The proper place for the peasants is bowing and scraping for their betters. Real sweethearts. “Kneejerk” doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Centerists Party: the best of liberal and conservative thought blended into pragmatic solutions. Government oversight where necessary, but fairly “open market” driven. Strong on defense, with an emphasis on Realpolitik.
Crown Loyalists: God Save The Queen! Or King! Whatever the Queen (or King) says is good. Since Queeen Elizabeth tends towards the Centerists Party, the Crown Loyalists typically vote with them. Almost exclusively comprised of the nobility, and may have some leanings/symathy with the Conservatives.
The New Men: opportunistic jackals, out for themselves. Will vote for anything as long as it benefits them. Very small party, but occasionally useful for clubbing together those few crucial votes necessary to pass a Bill, as long as they get something out of it.
Der Tris, your favorite character is…interesting. As is the fact that he’s your favorite character. Personally, I’m more a “Anton Zilwicki” kinda guy. Shannon Forraker was pretty interesting, too.