The Hour on BBC America

Has anybody else seen this series (which is now on-demand)? I just watched the first episode and found it to be very engaging. The basic story takes place in the 1950s, when BBC is a boring, lifeless place that is launching a new news hour that is (supposedly) going to be hard-hitting. But there’s something going on beneath the surface of London that nobody is quite aware of other than a select few, and therein lies the real drama of this show. The cast is excellent, with one of the stars being Dominic West, who played McNulty on The Wire, speaking with his normal accent. Beautiful women, villains, ordinary citizens caught up in mystery and intrigue. What’s not to like? This season ends this Wednesday.

My brother recommended it to me but I haven’t had a chance to catch it. He likes it - and his tastes are quite in line with the SDMB.

I’ve been watching it on BBCamerica since it began; it definitely bears re-watching On Demand. Enjoy the setting (city & country), costumes & atmosphere. The plot thickens; this Wednesday’s show is the last of the series.

The characters are interesting & will be back again. (All of them? Don’t know yet.)

The last episode was particularly good, and particularly scathing of the British government of the time. It’ll be interesting to see how they decide to end it.

It’s reminiscent of Rubicon, but much faster paced. Hopefully, it will be back for a second (and longer) season.

I have been enjoying it, and the Brits are very smart not to have open-ended series. The fact that this is six eps. means they can portion out the plot perfectly.

Ben Wishaw has *got *to put a “no nude scenes” clause in his contract. Jesus! He makes those fellows in the Auschwitz newsreels look chubby.

My wife and I are Tivoing and just finished episode 3. Thoroughly enjoy it, and recommend catching it On-Demand.

Personally we think the stodgy, '50s BBC atmosphere and the drama of putting on a live news show in that era would be more than enough to recommend the show. The government conspiracy–though exciting–seems like it was tacked on to avoid having the Freddy-Bel-Hector triangle dominate.

I like it quite a bit. It’s a bit Mad Men meets The Manchurian Candidate but I mean that in a good way.

I thought it sank in the middle like a Yorkshire pudding but jesASS that woman can wear a red dress. Saved from mediocrity by the last hour.

That was an excellent finale last night! I saw the Russian spy coming, but there were still a lot of good curves thrown.

I really hope they do not do a season 2–all the characters and plot points were wrapped up and tied with a bow; there is nowhere else for them to go, unless they all get stranded on a deserted isle or something.

There will be another series. And I’m looking forward to it.

But what can they do? Their show is canceled, the mystery wound up. I can’t see it being anything but forced: The Further Adventures of The Hour Gang! With their cartoon dog!

Actually, a cartoon dog added to the show *would *be kind of neat.

Bel was fired. Did we hear the show was canceled? Freddie knows the identify of the spy. Who else does?

Maybe with Bel gone as producer, the BBC will force Hector to co-host the show with a cartoon dog!

“Ranks, Rector!”

Where did you find this information?

Also, has anybody watched previous seasons of “Luther” on BBC with Idris Elba?

From a BBC2 press release, last August: