The How I Met Your Mother end of season 9 thread

I liked all the callbacks–the naked man, “Puzzles” as a bar name, the “Save the Arcadian” posters in the alley when she was packing up the van, etc. However, I can’t decide if it’s clever or infuriating that we still don’t know her name.

I’m guessing we’re not going to get a final fadeaway with the gang introducing her to Ted with a “Haaaaaaaave you met [name]?”.

Good episode. I’m guessing Barney ran off to find Robin’s mother.

I hadn’t thought of that yet, but that’s pretty much the only thing he could be doing.

Really good episode. The last 2 have been the best of the season. Cristin Milioti is pretty awesome, she was excellent casting. She was great starring in the really quirky movie Year of the Carnivore.

I’ve read elsewhere that CBS is considering a spin-off series to be called, “How I Met Your Father” to feature the mother and her friends hanging out. So I wondered if the early scene of the Mother at the bar was intended as a backdoor pilot.

I don’t get people assuming that we won’t see the meeting. What are you basing this on, and what do you think will be the final scene instead?

I mean, why go to so much length to avoid going past that point in time, using flashforwards even, if they aren’t going to end on that note?

How I Met Your Dad will star a completely new cast. The Mother won’t be involved in the show at all.

The producers have said repeatedly that they don’t plan to show the meeting between The Mother and Ted. The plan has always been to cut away before either of them says a word. Of course, before this season, the plan was to not show The Mother at all until the meeting. So plans can change.

I got on craigslist and bought a ukulele and this episode was the tipping point for me.

A few seasons ago I would have been OK with it but at this stage of the series, that would be extremely unsatisfying. I’m at the point where I need closure from this show.

I’m of the other opinion. There is no need for Ted and The Mother to speak on the Farhampton train platform, in the rain, on Sunday night after the wedding.

We already know everything about them that we need to know.

Ted will finally make eye contact with the mother and they will gaze at each other with that familiar romantic movie look.

Fans will delight how much it matches the scene in the first episode when Ted first saw Robin. Critics will complain how much it matches the scene in the first episode when Ted first saw Robin.

So, HIMYF won’t involve the Mother? If so WTF is the point? And I was looking forward to watching it!

There’s a post on Buzzfeed about all the loose ends last night’s episode tied up, for those who feel they missed things.

As for the ending, I can kind of see the point of both camps. On the one hand, I’ve invested nine damn years in this show, and I deserve to see at least a conversation. But the romantic-eyes-meeting/end-credits works, too. It’s not How I Fell in Love with Your Mother, after all.

Oh my god I hate Buzzfeed so much. We knew practically ALL of that already.

That actually makes me feel kind of better–because I was reading it, thinking “Who didn’t notice that?”

I missed the beginning. What happened to her old boyfriend/fiancee/husband that died?

He BF “Max” died on her 21st B-day, leaving her the ukulele as a gift. There wasn’t really any detail about who he was or how he died.

Pretty much had to be a car accident or something else that was sudden. She was waiting for him to show up at the bar for her birthday party, he was late, she gets a call from a hospital/police officer/something official like that notifying her that he died.

Thanks. I did see that part but thought I missed an explanation of exactly how he died.

No shit.

Though the one that gave me pause the most was the green dress gifs. I spent a few minutes looking at the extras on each screen and thinking “wow. Someone went to a lot of effort to either get the exact same extras back or people so close, I couldn’t tell the difference.”
Then it occurred to me that they just reshot the green dress scene.

Here’s a screencap from the original episode:

And yeah, Buzzfeed blows.

Man was this last episode (Sunrise) a load of crap. I long ago quit caring about Ted’s feelings about anyone and the whole Judgeship/Rome debate grew tired a long time ago.