The insanity of political correctness

Are the Bilderbergers relevant? Or maybe the Illuminati? Is Cthulhu really the one who puts it all in context?

Okay, I’ll admit that I went all sarcastic there. I didn’t realize I needed to streetsign every time I got sarcastic with an apparent loonytoon…

Here’s the first clue I ever bought ya, randy054, straight from the septic trough from which you and your uninformed ilk apparently feed, you schmuck:

From GOPUSA: Pat Robertson Suggests ‘Nuking’ State Department

I don’t think randy’s coming back to this thread. He has probably already Said Too Much.

Me neither. Imagine my surprise.

A tear came to my eye. I rose from my seat, and gave thoughtful, heartfelt, applause. A giraffe’s tongue can be 18 inches long and prehensiled, but it can also deliver a most impressive lashing. Bravo. Bra-ha-ha-vo. All I can say is: What Giraffe said.

My imaginary friend can beat up your imaginary friend.

(What religious arguments essentially boil down to.)

I shall attempt to salvage this thread by Boogying Down!!!
Dance Dance, Get down, du-wop-ma-bop!!

drops some spare change in Tars’s hat

But arguments among materialists are much more interesting. My imaginary Braine is less inconsistent than your imaginary Dark Matter.

Since no one in American political life has done as much to define and perpetuate a successful ‘political correctness’ as Pat Robertson has (with the help of fellow travelers like Cal Thomas), I had the hope - for the brief moment between mentally registering the names and reading randy054’s sentences - that the kneejerk political correctness of the Falwell-Robertson school of Christianity was one of the political correctnesses that the OP was excoriating.

Then I read the OP.