This is the exact system we already have here in greater Miami today. And have had for some years.
For $4 you buy a stick-on transponder about the size & shape of a credit card. Every grocery store, pharmacy, and convenience store sells them. First you stick it on your windshield. Then you go online and register your vehicle plate, the transponder number, and a credit/debit card. You can configure it to hit your card every time, or just grab $25 or $50 whenever it gets low.
Then you go drive. The system reads your transponder when you drive past a toll point. If it can’t do that, or if you don’t have a transponder, it reads your license plate. If you don’t already have an account with them they’ll send the registered owner of the plate a paper bill in the mail. With an extra charge for the extra hassle for them billing you separately.
Failure to pay the bill(s) results in no vehicle registration renewal until paid. Plus in theory they could see your plate when you happen to drive past a toll point then vector a cop to where you are. Although I haven’t heard of that actually happening.
We now have dedicated toll roads and also segregated toll lanes (AKA “express lanes”) on the non-tolled interstates. If you want to save time you spend the money. If not, not.
The basic idea is to keep the price as low as possible until the express lanes start to slow below about 50mph. Then they start raising the price to keep the express speed above 50mph. IOW, they’re auctioning off the right to drive with minimal congestion.
On the interstates the tolls for the segregated express lanes vary from zero if traffic is light up to about $1 per mile if you’re bypassing a total all-traffic-stopped blockage. During a typical morning or evening rush hour, bypassing 10 miles of 10mph bumper-to-bumper while going 50-70 mph yourself costs about $3. For me that represents a massive bargain.
At the risk of sounding elitist, there are lots of dangerously bad insane scofflaw drivers in FL. Getting in the segregated toll lanes eliminates about 90% of them. And that’s true whether the toll is zero or $10. Three-plus axle trucks are also prohibited which is nice.
It’s pretty painless. The Big Brother implications are obvious. But with everything else going on like ubiquitous cameras that can plate-recognize cars and face-recognize pedestrians I’m not thinking this is the privacy hill to die on.