The Jeopardy thread [was James Holzhauer][contains spoilers]

I doubt anyone would notice or even mind much if that sitcom disappeared without a trace.

Perhaps his best chance of ‘in front of the cameras’ fame would be to run for political office. (Obviously as a Republican.) He’s built up some genuine credibility as a jerk, so he might find it works out quite well for him.

He may want to spend more time with his family.

… Or “pursue other projects.” :pleading_face:

Maybe she should look at Drew Carey. He gave up being a sitcom star for a stable job that endears him to millions of daily fans. Was that was considered a bad move in the industry? I think he’s doing well by the move.

Our family were staunch Jeopardy viewers for 30 years during Mr Trebek’s tenure, but since his death there just hasn’t been any interest at our house. For my part, it was that the contestant quality suffered a lot during COVID, and revulsion at the “Miss Universe” pageant nature of the host selection process. The Mike Richards scandal hasn’t helped at all.

Google says the Neilsens aren’t showing a big decline in viewers post-Trebek, so I guess we’re not typical. But I’m going to have a tough time putting Jeopardy back on the DVR menu while Richards is still associated with the show. The Powers That Be need to stop f*rting around and select a host with gravitas and integrity already. There are several excellent candidates.

Have any of you other long time viewers quit cold turkey in dismay and disgust?

Actually, we’ll watch no matter what. I’ll be glad when they choose someone and life goes on.

Funny tweet! :smiley:

I never let my dislike of Trebek keep me from watching all these years, and we’ll keep watching,

He can take the Clue Crew with him on his way out.

I don’t think Levar Burton was ever seriously considered as a permanent replacement for Alex Trebek. He’s far too old (64). They need someone who can be counted on (more or less) to last 30–40 years.

I agree that a younger choice would make more sense. But if they’d get ten Very-High-Ratings years from a Burton tenure, I don’t think they’d hesitate to go for it–especially considering that they don’t have any by-acclamation 30-ish candidates on deck.

By the way, I can’t help wondering if Mike Richards was aware that there was a very strong social-media fanbase for Burton. I strongly suspect that he was aware.

And being the sort of person he has shown himself to be, I can’t help wondering if he—as the person totally in charge during Burton’s week—took it upon himself to…do some things.

“Soooo sorry, LeVar, that it’s 95 degrees in your dressing room…we’re working on fixing that as fast as we can!”

“Oh, no, LeVar—the water we put out for you had salt in it? How could that have happened???”


I mean, who would be surprised?

Same here.

I don’t think they’d get ten very high ratings years from Burton. I’m very skeptical that the social media fanbase pushing Burton actually consisted of real Jeopardy viewers, as opposed to people who just latched onto this idea of promoting him for affirmative action reasons and because they had positive childhood memories of Reading Rainbow or something. He totally sucked as host. He was easily the worst of the guest hosts.

Star Trek fans have always been active letter-writers. That’s how they got TOS renewed for a third season. I suspect most of this very vocal “social media support” came from them.

I still think Burton was a mediocre host at best, and I doubt he’d be as popular as some of the other candidates.

As far as Michaels “sabotaging” Burton, he hosted only five episodes, meaning he was in the studio for, what, one day? Would he even have rated his own dressing room? I think we can discount this theory. It would have been easier just to not invite him on in the first place.

They have got another petition going. Did all 249k who signed the first one actually watch his shows? He was astonsingly bad, relative to expectations. I went back and watched his last one just to be sure, wondering if my choice, Miyam (who of course is now disgualifed with her idiotic beliefs) had biased me against LeVar. I feared that SONY would reflexively choose him and I wanted to see if I could live with him as host.

Well, I could. I would not stop watching if he, or anyone, were the host.

What I’ve seen are people saying he got the short-stick, and should get a full two week trial. They claim others were bad at first but got better.

Plus there’s just that he himself has said he really wants it, so I think a lot of his fans want to give him as big a shot as possible. Whether those fans are also Jeopardy fans, I do not know. Obviously there is some overlap, but I have no idea how big it is.

Most of them got only one week (were the others actually trials, or just a fun thing for them to do?). Some of them were better than Burton in their one week.

Nice guy-wise, Burton was near the top. Good host-wise, he was below the mid line.

To which “idiotic beliefs” do you refer?

All of her idiotic beliefs.

Anti-vaxxer (oh, wait, her kids are just on an “alternative schedule”)
Promotes woo pseudoscientific “brain pills”
Says women abused by Weinstein were abused because they were too good looking, unlike her (her words). Don’t attract attention! Basically, victim blaming.

Sister, homely women get abused, too. It’s not looks that draws abusive men, it’s power.