The Jesuits

I recently got a most amusing or perhaps alarming letter from an old Masonic brother of mine.

He attached to it an article by a Vincent Grienti attacking the Jesuits. It reprints the Secret Extreme Oath of Induction given to all Jesuit officers.

Among other things it calls for Jesuits to infiltraite other religions, plant spies in their midst, to serve as a secret soldier of the Pope, to vote only for members of the Knight of Columbus an never to hire a non-Catholic if within their power to do so.

I presume this is a fabricated document. If not, then the Jesuits look like much more fun than the Masons. I am willing to switch teams if they give me a mortar platoon.

Anyone ever hear of anti-Jesuit groups cranking out stuff like this? Anyone want to comment on the Jesuits?

FWIW, my both my grade school and high school were run by Jesuits. My experience with them was as follows:


Version A:
They ran an elite ninja death-squad. Lasers and dark mental powers were the norm, and the Presbyterians rued the day they opened a church in our town.


Version B:
Great teachers. One religion class per semester was required, but that class wasn’t neccesarily Christian/Catholic/Jesuit. I took a semester of Pre-Christian European Mythology and, well, a ‘Parenting’ class, which qualified as religion for some reason. (Among other, though Catholicism-oriented, religion classes)

I found them a bit lax in defending the good name of The Church at times, so I am suspecting that the Jesuits of today are not related (except by name) to the ass-kicking, heathen-converting Jesuits of days gone by. I would guess that the letter you recieved is phony. (I mean, you got the letter, not doubting that, but the contents are as reliable as a zmag cite)

I’m not trying to be offensive, I’m just not sure if I can word this right.

The Masonic Lodge is not the most Pro-Catholic organisation in the world (but hey, Opus Dei is Anti-Protestant, so it all works out).

I’m sure your experience of Anti-Masonic propaganda tells you that the reality of Masonic life is different to what such writers believe to be the case (unless you ritually kill people on a regular basis…joke).

I think the reverse is likely to be the case here.

There are many of the Jack Chick school who believe the pope to be the anti-christ, and Jesuits to be his crack troops, this looks like their doing.

A little googleing got a copy of the oath. The main site hasn’t been updated for a while, but it’s decisively anti-catholic. Among the wonders I learned is that since President Clinton was trained at Georgetown University he might have taken the oath and that Patriarch Teochist of the Orthodox Church is also a Jesuit.

This comes from the massive 2 volume The History of Protestantism in which **J. A. Wylie ** writes * History of the Jesuits*where he shares all his secret knowledge of how the Catholic Church started both Islam and Communism.

For some odd reason I was under the impression that the Jesuits were Anglican! :smack:

Comments: The Jesuits have historically been some of the most intrepid explorers. One example is Bernard Hubbard, S.J. Hubbard explored much of Southwest Alaska in the 1930s, climbing many of the volcanoes and other mountains in that region. He was a prolific photographer and writer, and his work still stands as an example of determination and stamina.

Hubbard (who taught at Santa Clara) traveled primarily on foot with a couple of friends and some pack dogs. His adventures are captured in two books that he wrote: “Cradle of The Storms” and “Mush You Malemutes”. He also produced a film called “Aniakchak”, about the volcano bearing that name.

I’m not Catholic (or anything else, for that matter), but one has to respect and admire those with the energy to do what some of the Jesuits have done.

Wait a minute! We have a member of the world-controlling, secret organization of Masons attacking the world-controlling, spies of the Jesuits?

Oh, the irony.

Nah, the Jesuits are not spies or secret agents for the pope and they are not out committing crimes to promote the power of the Catholic Church any more than Masons are running a shadow organization that controls every level of government throughout Europe and the English-speaking countries of the world.

The Jesuits have always had a pretty strong evangelical streak, but it’s taken two forms: the more sedate educational one, and the more active missionary one.

According to

this page , as the order grew, Ignatius Loyola realized he’d have to provide for the education of the more ignorant members of the order, and established a series of schools to teach them. At some point, he realized that education would be the key to spreading their message and the Word of God, so they started admitting non-Jesuit civilians. By the time Loyola died, there were 33 schools, and a century after that there were 300.

So basically the Jesuits of today who generally run high schools and colleges worldwide are the direct inheritors of the original Jesuit tradition. I think the more fiery ones were the ones who decided to go convert the natives in other lands. Either way, they’re doing exactly what Loyola founded the order to do.

The educational Jesuits do sometimes get a tad off-track in that they are very focused on education and knowledge, often to the expense of being evangelical. In my high school, the Jesuits taught things like Computer Science, Math, Biology, Spanish and English, while lay teachers taught us Theology! There’s not much room to evangelize when you’re teaching about linked-lists or quadratic equations!

So, no mortar platoons?


I like Jesuits. They teach people how to think.

This can lead people to or away from god. That part is a personal revelation.

But it will never, ever drive them away from god. As so many people have said on here, they were raised in a fundy church… and when they found the rest of the world, they realized they were lied to, and decided that their faith was a lie as well.

They are the opposite of Judge Moore. They are our allies in fighting ignorance. What more can you ask for?

Jesuits think.

But their Catholics, that’s a contradiction of terms.

Never had a Catholic tell me about SHEOL.

Do the Jesuits know? They were kicked out of Ethiopia in 1633. Ethiopia had been cut of from European influence by the rise of Islam for centuries and didn’t go thru the reformation tho ides about Christ had come down via the Red Sea. Maybe they are more Christian than Europeans.

Dal Timgar

I’m lost as to your point as relates to this thread, dal

It’s all true! I can personally attest to the fact that they’re involved in a centuries-long secret human breeding program, designed to produce an Ubermensch with supernatural prophetic powers!

Oh, wait a minute… that’s the Bene Gesserit. My mistake.

First, it’s they’re.

Second, Catholics do indeed think. Catholicism is a very philosophical religion in and of itself.

Of course, you wouldn’t know it by JP II.

I can’t speak for all Jesuits, but a good friend of mine is a Jesuit, in fact I look after his horse for him. He’s a school prinicipal and teaches senior physics as well as lecturing in educational physics and environmental science at a Universty. Given his teaching load, I can’t quite see where he finds the time to carry out the terms of the oath.

I’m an atheist and I wasn’t even brought up Catholic, but he and I still manage to be friends. We talk horses, politics, education and very occasionally we talk theology, but my friend has never tried to convert me or evangelize. We met through a shared passion for horses, and religion has never played much part in our friendship.

From what I know of the Jesuits, they have a very strong tradition of teaching. Education is central to their mission. The ones I’ve met tend have tended to be worldly and intellectual, not to mention good drinkers! My impression of the history of the Jesuits is that their role was sort of the intellectual guerillas of the Catholic Church, using education rather than evangelism to reach people.

From memory the Jesuit vow says something to the effect that the Jesuit will travel in missionary service to the Pope whenever required. Because of this, many Jesuits are very well-travelled, and seem not to be particularly insular.

I did a quick search on Google and the “Jesuit oath” seems to be a well established myth. There’s a particularly intelligent debunking of it to be found in a discussion at:

I have to say that given that my father is a Master Mason and I have a Jesuit friend, you’d think I’d be at the epicentre of world domination one way or another wouldn’t you? Doesn’t seem to be so, sadly.

Tinfoil Hat ON

Or that’s what they want you to think!

**Tinfoil Hat OFF **

It’s obvious to me that Tom is a Jesuit educated Mason and is bent on world control. It would explain a lot.