The Just Ice League.

Citizen Cold became “hero” of Central City, in the absence of the Flash, by defeating the Rogues. He did this not because of any altruistic motives but because he didn’t want the competition. He was still a murderous two-bit hood at heart, evidenced by his murder of Wally West. His story was limited to Central City. He never fought Aquaman or Wonder Woman nor was he involved in the climactic battle in London.

Mmm…Been a long while since I read Flashpoint…I had forgotten all of that…

Citizen Cold was in the initial group assembled by Cyborg, which broke up when they couldn’t recruit Batman. He wasn’t in the final group that went to London though, possibly because he had already been frozen by Iris West.

ETA: The TV Earth-X version of Citizen Cold, though, was 100% good guy.

Jon Snow?


Edward Snowden :wink:

OK, I googled this because I did not remember her but Tracy Strauss from Heroes had ice powers, evidently. I guess they gave the character cold powers is because Ali Larter’s best acting is when she’s doing a cold, blank stare.

DC has Ice from the Fire and Ice team.

If we’re including rappers like Ice T and Ice Cube in the Just Ice league, then leaving out the most relevant is a mistake.


Hey, Ice-T legitimately has powers.

You beat me to it…

D’oh! I can’t believe I missed that.

You’ll probably need a decent copyright attorney on the team as well…

Gotta have Mr. Cool ICE on there.

Ill Winds

For your consideration, Snowbird. She may not directly have snow or ice powers, but she is an Inuit demigoddess who can transform into any Arctic animal.

Jadis, the White Witch of Narnia

I hate to say it but Vanilla Ice.

What are his ice-based superpowers?

He’s too cold, too cold. :slight_smile:

Snow Queen. (Her main characteristic is being some sort of advanced Zen master, which the stupid kids in the story sadly never got but at least she tried, but she definitely has an array of awesome snow and ice powers including controlling snowflakes.)