Actually, it is, “Thou shalt not commit murder”, which apparently doesn’t include wars. :slight_smile:

I’m not commenting on the article. Just on your accusation at luci, which was completely unfounde, because you hadn’t noticed there were two separate scenarios discussed. One that you mentioned, and one that he mentioned. You went off half cocked on that one.

“Ralph Peters also found out that in the 18-34 year old demographic that composes most of our military members that just in 2005, 8,718 of these young Americans were killed in America. This number is over twice as many soldiers killed in six years of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Military service not only reduces murder rates, but it can keep you alive as well.”

Despite the fact he goes on wailing about related photographic evidence?


The soldiers may be safer. Not the victims of Morlock and his buddies though.

The discussion of those scenarios took place primarily in the author’s mind. :rolleyes:

Show anything to suggest otherwise. Even he doesn’t.

He said, she said. Oh I suppose, if it fits my design, whatever… :rolleyes:

Wow. You are being ridiculous. He quoted pretty much directly from one of the captions. You read another caption, and bluster that he is making stuff up. Rolling Stone might be making stuff up, but luci was faithfully reporting their caption.

Now you can just admit you made a simple mistake here. It’s not a big deal. You can still think luci is wrong in the conclusions, that the article is biased, that this was just “gallows humor.” But your post was wrong, and attacked luci for the wrong thing.

This whole episode is a total load of crap from every angle. Yes, solders do occasionally go rouge. But as it happens, quite less frequently than occurs in the civilian population. Yes, RC is a trashy anti-war rag that will embellish a story like this to milk it for full efect on their gullible audience.

Total load of crap all the way around.

I’ve never denied this. It is possible the entire story is made up. It is possible that the entire Afghan invasion never happened - I don’t know, I haven’t been there.

As I said, I sincerely hope that these words, if spoken, were gallows humor. Unlike you, I don’t doubt that such comments have been made. I’ve heard soldiers make very similar types of comments. Doesn’t mean I think those soldiers did or would shoot children in cold blood.

Lucy is a POS idiot riding the Rolling Stone bandwagon for all the reasons I stated.

You can take that or leave it.

RC? Rolling Cobble?

They do seem to have a hard on for the military as of late. Nevertheless, that Morlock asshole may have done far more damage than the murder of four civilians. Incidents like this gives the enemy the most lethal kind of ammunition, justifiable rage that spreads well beyond a single battlefield. That was some stomach turning, fucked up shit right there.

Wow Nadir.
Just to be clear on what you actually said.

luci’s quote is from this page and is perfectly accurate. As villa said it may be RS BS but that doesn’t stop your post and your posts following it showing you to be a hotheaded blowhard who just won’t say, doh! I made a mistake.

Really? I can’t seem to recall the last time I heard about a civilian killing people and posing with the corpse/using the victim’s body parts as trophies. Not to mention the fact that the civilian population dwarfs the military population by orders of magnitude. But you knew that.

That’s nice. Do you mind terribly if we talk a bit about this particular time, when it did happen? Shouldn’t take long, and you’re definitely not obligated to participate. Thanks.

You know, I wasn’t actually doubting what you said earlier (“hope” was meant to convey a sense of preferability).

But I have to wonder about your cite there, if he thinks it’s somehow meaningful to talk about absolute death figures (an entirely different matter than murder rates, of course) for a cohort of sixty million or so stateside, compared with an overseas deployment in the hundreds of thousands.

Meaningless. The military isn’t going to allow an honest investigation of why someone died. And you are ignoring the people outside of the military they kill, as well as non-fatal crimes like rape. Rape and sexual assault is endemic in the American military, including of our own female soldiers. You don’t see American women outside of the military dying of heat stroke because they are afraid to go get a drink of water because that’s where the rapists lie in wait for them.

I, on the other hand think they would. Driving around and killing anything that moves because it might be theoretically be a threat is something American soldiers certainly did enough of in Iraq; and if people get killed just for stepping out on their porch, too bad. They aren’t American, and therefore don’t count as human.

Along with the following commentary. Maybe you should concentrate on Lucy message, or what it/he/she said:

Or do you just not understand the concepts of accuracy, inference, and implication or how they may interrelate, which the illustrious lucy seems so adept at leveraging with his flowery prose?

I hesitate to involve myself in this particular pissing match. But I think you might have read luci’s post wrong. He (I think he?) was saying that he didn’t want to believe this was true. You seem to be arguing that it’s not, in fact, true.

Not only did you make a mistake in the accuracy of the RS quote, you seem to be ranting rabidly at someone who is, at least in this particular instance, not disagreeing with you. It’s not making you look very coherent…

Now I’m thinking repealing DADT is a bad idea. Next they’ll be going mascara and before you know it, we’ll have a military plagued with ruthless, heavily armed drag queens.

Where were the officers?