The King of Spuds

I’m talking about Jersey Royals here.

If you’ve never tasted a Jersey Royal then you’ve not lived

In the shops now, very expensive at the moment but by the cringe they are worth every penny spent on 'em.

I just had some with roast lamb. Lashings of butter on the spuds and some mint sauce.

That is all

Well, good for them. Seriously. Glad to see that the marketing savvy that has recently served the Dried Plum Industry so well has been applied to the humble tater. :smiley:

Yukon Gold taters were the last Big Tater Thing here. I suppose Jersey Royals will be next.

Look for the American version to be branded “Jersey Devils”, BTW. It’s inevitable.

Mint sauce on the blessed potato? :dubious:

Butter, sour cream, chives, bacon, salt and pepper or even chili, broccoli and cheese maybe, but mint sauce?

Some just fell near the potato from the lamb, right? It wasn’t intentional?

You’ll be lucky matey. :stuck_out_tongue:

99% of the Jersey Royals produced go to mainland Britain, the remaining 1% are eaten by Channel Islanders themselves.

Yes Queen Tonya, some mint sauce accidentally did stray

You sure your not on the government tit over there? You keep it up though, I should be able to afford to visit by the time I’m fifty given our economic situation. Oh shit, Forgot about my wife. Better make that 52. And you better not stop with these posts either. That would be like the carrot coming off the pole.