The Kitty Report

Goo was (is) on the top kitty shelf. Mrs. L.A. brought Abbey out at my suggestion, and Abbey got onto the lower kitty shelf. Goo kind of felt trapped (even though Abbey is the ‘victim’) and batting ensued. Abbey jumped off the shelf in a panic. The upshot is I now have adhesive strips on four fingers.

Apparently I got blood on the bathroom light switch, as Mrs. L.A instructed me not to use an injured hand to turn on the light.

Abbey seems to be widening her horizons. She’s coming out of the bedroom on her own (there’s a door to the living room), sometimes even the long way round through the kitchen. She hangs out on the top shelf on the living room wall, or on an antique desk in the corner between the couch (and the bedroom door) and the French doors. She doesn’t seem to be as freaked out by Goo as she was before. She still doesn’t like her. Goo tries to say hello, but Abbey shrinks back.

Abbey gets interested when ‘mom’ is on the phone. She’ll jump over to see what’s what. I was showing Mrs. L.A. a video tonight, and Abbey came over to see. I pulled up a long video of birds (sort of ‘Kitty TV’). By this time, Abbey had gone back to the desk. I turned the computer toward her, and she was very interested. She even got on the coffee table and stepped on my MacBook for a closer look. Alas, Goo was interested in why Abbey was interested and launched an attack from the other side of the coffee table. But it was fun while it lasted, and Abbey’s getting braver. (Oh… Goo is older, but Abbey outweighs her significantly.)

Gaining on it.

Abbey and Goo may still eventually make friends. Sometimes it takes quite a while.

One of mine has now been here three and a half years. She’s still learning how to play with the others.

Abbey continues to expand her horizons. As I said last month, she likes to sit on the desk. She’ll nap on the back of the couch. For the past week (?) She’s actually getting onto the living room floor. She goes to the cat tree and scratches it. She even climbs the tree to the cradle on top. That’s pretty big, since that’s Goo’s spot. Goo doesn’t seem to mind. She’ll sleep in the rocking chair in front of the furnace and mostly ignore her.

Yesterday, Catmom was feeding the cats. Goo circled her ankles, and I brought Abbey into the kitchen and put her on the floor. Abbey pulled her ears back, but didn’t growl. (I did pick her up so Goo could get to her dish.) They’re still eating in separate rooms. I want to change that, but Catmom is resistant.

Abbey really likes watching TV. :)\

Abbey went outside (into the catio) for the first time! :slight_smile:

She only stayed a minute; just long enough to look around. Then she went into the bedroom. Goo stalked her and went into the bedroom. Hissing and growling ensued. They’re both in there now, being quiet. Goo’s meatloafing on the bed, and Abbey’s in her fort (base of the little cat tree in there).

I only have problems with this when they hog the remote.

Abbey wants out with some frequency, but Mrs. L.A. won’t let both cats be in the catio at the same time. Today, Wifey opened the door to retrieve something from her car, and Abbey went out the front door. Abbey was like, ‘What? This isn’t outside! There’s no wooden deck!’

Earlier, I let Goo in from the catio. Abbey was under the coffee table. Goo went and touched noses with Abbey, Abbey eventually pulled back, but they touched noses for a few seconds. :slight_smile:

Mrs. L.A. says we might be able to get them the same suite at Cat Country Resort when we go on vacation this Autumn.

Great progress!

Nine months. Seems slow, and there’s a long way to go.

It’s been a while since the last update.

Abbey now spends most of her time in the catio. With the warm weather, the girls can come and go as they please. Abbey and Goo are coexisting peacefully in the catio and the living room, and they even sleep in the same bed occasionally. Goo may chase Abbey once in a while, but not often and not long. They’ve started greeting each other by touching noses, and Abbey sometimes gives Goo’s nose a lick.

Today Abbey came in from the catio. Goo jumped down from the rocking chair and they touched noses. Abbey licked Goo’s nose. Goo turned to walk toward the kitchen, and Abbey reached out to touch her bum as if to say, ‘Hey, where are going?’ That’s some progress!

We’re going to board the cats when we go on holiday in a few months. We were apprehensive about putting them in the same suite. In the past few weeks, we are no longer apprehensive. :slight_smile:

Cat friending can seem slow to us humans but it often snowballs once it starts. Or so it appears to do in my experience. I’m very glad to hear they are getting along so well.

Good luck with boarding them. I’ve never tried it. I had cat sitters come to my house because there was a very reputable business in my old part of town. Now that I’ve moved, I haven’t gone anywhere for more than 3 days, due to Covid and a host of other reasons. Not sure what I’ll do in case I get the opportunity for long-distance travel again.

We use Cat Country Resort. We boarded Tonka there, and then Tonka and Creamsickle. They’re very good, and the rates are reasonable. A 4x4x8 suite is $21/day plus $10 per additional cat. We like the larger suites (8x4x8, 7x5x8, or 9x5x8) and those are currently $30/day ($40/day with an additional cat).

That place sounds pretty ideal. Too bad I am 1500 miles away. But I can recommend it to a friend who lives not far from there. Thank you!

Abbey was in the living room when I got up this morning. Goo came out of the bedroom a few minutes later, and when to touch noses with Abbey. Then a miracle occurred. Goo started licking Abbey’s head! Like, grooming her! First time this has happened (with a human observer). Abbey decided half a dozen licks was enough, but it happened!

Sometimes it takes a long time for friendships to develop. Seems like this is one of those cases in which the friendship does develop anyway.

This gives me some hope that Allie will eventually mellow out a bit when it comes to Buddy.

Maybe. It doesn’t always work.

Sometimes when it does it’s something odd that does it. When I was a child we had a cat who didn’t like another cat who had arrived later into the household. Cat #2 had to go to the vet for something which kept her there for several days. When she got back home, Cat #1 became friendly towards her. The best guess we could make was that Cat #1 had thought Cat #2 was gone for good, and discovered that she missed her.

I’ve three cats, 15,4&4, indoor sometimes outdoors. They get along pretty well, the lone female jimi seems to help keep peace, and made friends with the elder male Toby. Sully is the emerging alpha but he kinda sucks at it such a big purr baby. Toby is da man.

Yesterday an unfamiliar kitten almost grown was hanging around. Not skinny or ragged looked healthy. Also Looks to be unaltered with a small scratch on his head. Yowly, quite handsome with blue gray and white stripes and somewhat friendly but aggressive towards my cats who were a bit freaked by it. It kept chasing/attacking my fixed female. Then it did a stare down with my big male fuzzy tail who tried to act nonchalant but couldn’t make a move without the stray charging him.

It wanted to rub up against my legs but I pushed it away then it tried to attack my legs and ankles. Never in my life have I seen such nervy little cat.

It followed the neighbor who was out with his Rottweiler puppy. It made kissy faces with the rottie! Ha ha pissed off that jerk neighbor who hates cats.

Anyway, I’m searching FB lost and found pages. This cat has gotta go! It attacked my elder male cat this morning, then once inside all three of my cats turned on each other spitting and fur flying so freaked are they by this unfamiliar fiesty little cat.

West Michigan location. Any takers?


You are going fine. Keep it up.

Here are three newer pics of Abbey.