The last 9/11 service dog has died.

Bretagne, the last living search & rescue dog who served at Ground Zero was put to sleep yesterday after suffering from kidney failure. She was a few months shy of her 17th birthday. She lived a good life, which was neither mundane or pointless. A word of advice, don’t read the article on your phone at work, especially if you have a dog the same age at home. :frowning:

Every time I read an article like this a dust cloud, or something, comes around and my eyes get messed up.

I saw that. Nice to see the local firefighters lined up and gave her a last salute. “Well done, thou good and faithful servant…”

Sweet baby. Looks like she had a good long life. She’ll be waiting for her owner at the Rainbow Bridge.

I have a great deal of admiration for service animals. Fair winds and following seas.

I remember reading stories about them at the time. They were getting as depressed as their handlers.

I remember reading some of the rescue workers would “hide” so the dogs could find someone alive, just to keep their spirits up.

Don’t tell me dogs don’t know. They know.

Good dog. :frowning: