The last ever post to the SDMB

The Chicago Reader is sued into oblivion for intimating that…(pick your favourite)…

They announce that midnight Sunday (some months hence) the SDMB will cease to exist.

What will the last post say - not DA DA DA on a bugle.

I think it will be:

Goodnight John Boy

Did anyone ever figure out the third word that ends in -gry?

[Paul Harvey]
“…and that’s the rest of the story.”
[/Paul Harvey]

No Lawyer Jokes, Please!

Will the last Doper to leave the Forum turn out the lights?

But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. Cecil loved Big Brother.

Ignorance won.


Or, from a Mod, “This is closed.”

Ever hit the POST button and then think of something much better as the post is posting?

The last post will be:

Bye Opal!

Then we’ll all move over to Opal’s Fathom forum. Or Una’s board!

Beautiful! Just beautiful!

Hey, that was MINE!

If I were you, I’d be very afraid that your mind thinks anything like mine does :wink:

Because the NSA or FBI notices one of those “let’s annoy the NSA” threads and everybody gets taken away.

The last two posts are

“So, it does end with a whimper.”

Will I dream?

Don’t be silly, they can’t do that! This is Amer

How about:

Mod note:
Consider your posting privileges under review.

Do not go gently into that good night.

That’ll do pig.

Lynn Bodoni: You’re all banned.

