The Latest Beheading by Terrorists

Hey Gang, did anyone happen to catch the latest beheading of an innocent American citizen on TV today? Whatcha think? So far no one here has mentioned it. Does no one stand agog against such barbarism. Are you all becoming jaded to everyday atrocities such as beheadings. Do you all think that putting a pair of panties over a man’s face and riding him like a horse is worse than beheading?

Here is a question. Do you think that the al-Qaida pig kissers who conducted the beheading today would enjoy beheading an entire Americian city of men, women and children if they can get their hands on an atomic bomb?

Here’s a question: don’t you know how to find the Pit?

Yeah, because of course no event is valid until it has been discussed on this message board, and the fact that no one else has posted anything similar to your stupefyingly ignorant rant so far must mean that we all support terrorists.

When your kid who is barely passing in school gets a D it does not surprise you. When your straight A student gets a B- you ask what is wring.

Of course not. On the other hand, beheading innocent people is what we expect from terrorist criminals. That’s why we call them terrorist criminals. That’s why we hunt them down and kill them like dogs (albeit in accordance with the laws of war, etc.) whenever possible. They’re evil. They’re our enemies. Thus, when they commit acts of violence (and I don’t see why beheading is super-horrible, as compared to, say, suicide bombings), we are not outraged, because we were already raged.

Whereas, when US soldiers commit atrocities that are, on an absolute scale, much less horrible, it’s far more shocking and outrageous, because we expect better of them. They’re the Good Guys. They’re not supposed to do things like that. Furthermore, they represent America as a whole, and ought to be under the control of America as a whole. Thus, there are steps we can take to attempt to prevent such actions from occurring in the future. Thus, all the fuss about “lesser” atrocities.


Gee, you’re right, terrorists are BAD. Wow. We democrats have sure been bass-ackwards about this whole issue until you cleared it up for us.

A wild guess - you were not an “A” grade student yourself if your can’t even spell “wrong”. Don’t show your ignorance.

Speaking of which…

Good guy-bad guy aside, the biggest logical flaw (which I am sure Milum has deliberately chosen to ignore) is that the prisoners who were tortured != those who beheaded Johnson/Berg. In fact, US continues to release prisoners from both Guantanamo and Iraq.

There is no point in attempting a rational discussion with those who are not, regardless of the initial point of view. As long as “we” in the West fail to grasp the attitudes and motivations of the terrorists from their point of view, not only will this not stop, but it will get worse.

I see no reservations on the part of terrorists using WMDs against the US. It is not a matter of if but of when.

Gaudere’s Law. It’s our law.

(Generally, using clumsy syntax or bad grammar is counterproductive if one hopes to be taken seriously while snidely pointing out another’s typographical error.)

I guess I was* wring * in spelling you. So sioux me.

Hey Gang, did anyone happen to catch the latest beheading of an innocent American citizen on TV today?


**Does no one stand agog against such barbarism. Are you all becoming jaded to everyday atrocities such as beheadings? **

I doubt it. As for me, I am extremely saddened. I feel powerless to do anything about it.

Do you all think that putting a pair of panties over a man’s face and riding him like a horse is worse than beheading?

No. Everyone should be treated with respect.

Do you think that the al-Qaida pig kissers who conducted the beheading today would enjoy beheading an entire Americian city of men, women and children if they can get their hands on an atomic bomb?

I guess they would skip the beheading and use the bomb instead.

Are you pissed at the people that participate in this community? The tone of your post makes it seem that way.

Frankly, yes. Al Qaeda blew up the World Trade Center. How can anything they do from here on out come as a surprise to anyone? This is like getting upset at Adolf Hitler for being a lousy tipper. These people have already proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are the most vile, inhuman creatures on the face of the Earth. Of course they’re cutting the heads off of innocent people. That’s what evil does.

No, of course not. But you know what the real difference between Al Qaeda and the US military is? The US military actually gives a shit about my outrage, and will work to correct situations that outrage me and other voters, and see that they don’t happen again in the future. So, complaining about terrorists acting like terrorists is futile, because it will neither prevent them from acting like terrorists in the future, nor inform anyone who listens of anything they don’t already know. Complaining about the US military acting like terrorists might actually have a chance at changing things for the better. So that’s where most of my efforts are going to go. Not because I think the US military is worse than Al Qaeda, but because I know they’re better.

I think it’s pretty sad that, after three years of debate on this and related issues, you actually think that question is in any way significant to the discussion at hand.

Yes, in a sense. I believe he started this thread with the intent of showing how liberal the SDMB is, how it oppresses conservative views, and how we liberals hate America and want us to lose the war. It’s an opinion that’s come up quite a bit, though usually in the Pit.

And the best way to do that is to study them and, so far as possible, talk to them – not to demonize them.

** Here is a question. Do you think that the al-Qaida pig kissers who conducted the beheading today would enjoy beheading an entire Americian city of men, women and children if they can get their hands on an atomic bomb? **

**Miller **: I think it’s pretty sad that, after three years of debate on this and related issues, Milum actually thinks that question is in any way significant to the discussion at hand.

Me: Yeah Miller, I think it is pretty sad that I have to ask that question.

Leaper : Is Milum pissed at the people who participate in this community? Yes, in a sense. I believe he started this thread with the intent of showing how liberal the SDMB is, how it oppresses conservative views, and how we liberals hate America and want us to lose the war.

** Me** ; Wrongo, Leper, the question of whether or not the large majority of the members of the SDMB being non-gun toting liberals is a given. The more sought-after question by me was whether or not the liberal indoctronation of the most Great Debate posters had rendered them bereft of a re-active human emotion that leads to a group survival trait called righteous indignation.

Shame on you, Milum. That’s slanderous! A Muslim would never kiss a pig! It’s not hallal!

They have bombs that can behead entire American cities now?

Wow! Can’t wait for that to be shown on Modern Marvles!


Why do I get the distinct impression that Milum is at high risk of decapitating the next Muslim person he sees on the street?

They do not wish to talk, they want us dead!

That is the true evil - even a a bank robber that has taken hostages has a demand that could be met but these bastards are not interested in anything but killing.

Here’s a thought, Milum. Perhaps nobody started a GD thread about this because there’s no debate to be had. That fact obviously doesn’t faze you, so here we are “debating,” um, whether or not “they” would behead us all if they had a bomb (?). The rest of the people who had something to say about the latest beheading took it to the Pit, which of course is the proper forum to call people childish names like pig-kisser and leper.

Hey, you know what would have been a good way to stop all of these beheadings?