The Latest, Stupid, Inane Commercial I Have Heard

Who writes this shit?

It was on about 15 minutes ago, on The Military Channel, and it was about Carbonite, the computer back-up system.

Okay, commercial. Just enough time for a peanut butter on toast.

So that’s done, and I walk through the den toward my bedroom, where I had been watching the program, and as I pass the den tv which had the same program on (my son was watching), I heard this idiot say… “I’d trust Carbonite with my…life.”

“You’d do what ???” , I thought to myself. But yeah, that’s what she said, I/we know how she meant it, but even considering semantics, I would have thought of some other phrase to end the commercial.

This is my opinion. :slight_smile: Okay?



Well, if you’re sealed in it, it’ll preserve you in perfect hibernation.

There are worse ways to prepare you for your journey to the Emperor.

(None that I can think of right now though …)

The “Jerry” series of commercials from State Farm. He’s put his car “up a pole” multiple times and driven through the side of a building. Why is anyone insuring this guy?!

Plus he seems as though he’s looking to commit insurance fraud. “No, my car’s… in my garage.”

I’m pretty sure car insurance doesn’t cover pre-existing conditions.