The "lazy after dope" thread, re: legal status of marijuana.

So this thread just got closed by Czarcasm and I’d like to discuss it.

I can understand discouraging posts encouraging the doing of “hard drugs” --those which are illegal everywhere. But a lock for merely discussing the effects of a substance that is medically legal in quite a few US states? Would it have been ok if he said he had a prescription for it, or only asked for input from others who do? It’s not like he was asking where to find it, or how much it costs, which would have unequivocally indicated he was engaging in illegal activity.

I mean, if the mods are adjudicating to the lowest common denominator of legality, then shouldn’t they also forbid discussion of consumer fireworks? Setting them off is illegal in several states. We can’t talk about how we use cell phones while driving, because it’s jurisdictionally banned in Chicago and elsewhere. Owning up to a preference for driving without a seatbelt is right out.

Obviously the thread was poorly written (OP must have been high :o), but that’s not a lockable offense. If a thread sucks enough, it will generally die on its own.

I understand that he used the hugely open to interpretation “in our opinion” clause, but I gotta say…that OP was a pretty good argument **against **marijuana, and I bet a lot of the replies would have been more along the lines of, “Yeah…you gots a problem dude…maybe it’s time to put down the bowl,” than “encouraging activity”.

Marijuana remains illegal in all 50 states under federal law. I think closing the thread was consistent with board rules, which do not allow discussion of current use.

But we could have had so much fun with him! :frowning:

Was going to post the same thing. Just because something doesn’t violate state law doesn’t mean that it’s legal (it could violate federal law, or a town ordinance, some treaty, or even jus cogens). I’m not commenting on the thread / rules - it’s just that this is commonly misunderstood and should be noted.

Hmm. What if the OP had been framed differently? “Does marijuana induce lethargy?” Is that okay?

That would have been OK in GQ, with respect to the biological/medical effects of the drugs.

In addition to the Registration Agreement quoted by Czarcasm in the thread, the FAQ has this to say:

Given that 1) as noted, marijuana is illegal under federal law; and 2) the OP was discussing use in the recent past (and appeared to be under the influence when he wrote the question), I think the “current use” provision applies.

Yes, that should be OK. From the list of FAQs on our board rules item #5 specifically permits discussion of the effects of drugs, and limited discussion of past use, while forbidding discussion of current use. I can’t speak for Czarcasm, but I, too, would have closed the thread because the OP evidently wishes to discuss current ongoing use.

Nailed it one whack.

FTR, we have recently allowed a couple of threads on medical MJ to stand, which, though legal under the laws of some states, is still a Federal violation as Oak points out. But, had those threads strayed into content more normally associated with current recreational use, or circumventing state laws to obtain MMJ, we would most likely have closed them.

As irksome as it may sometimes seem that this subject is somewhat off limits here, there are numerous other message boards and online communities devoted to cannabis; one may discuss any and all aspects of the drug and the plant it comes from. Some are well moderated and their members generally post in decent English as used by educated adults.

I just feel like there’s a disconnect between closing the thread mentioned in the OP (who seems to legitimately need advice) and allowing threads like these (talking about relative potency and length of time to grow a plant) or these to stay open. That last thread actually discusses current prices and potency…

Sure, he can go elsewhere. But I’m not as concerned with the problems of one pothead in particular as I am with consistent moderation on the board.

Consistent moderation? You’ve got to be fucking kidding, right?

Handicapped parking spaces are required and regulated by federal law, and using them without appropriate documentation is a violation in all 50 states.


As far as i know, all 50 states have laws against breaking the speed limit, disobeying traffic signals, making improper turns, and committing stop-sign violations.

Thread 1
Thread 2

Wait–if it’s illegal under federal law, how can I walk down any number of streets in denver and see stores outright selling pot as “medical marijuana”? I mean, there are literally a couple hundred stores–not like back alley things either–these actually advertize, etc.

If it’s illegal federally, why hasn’t the DEA gone bananas and arrested a couple thousand people in the Denver metro area? (I’m not being snarky–I’m honestly confused here.)

That’s actually been a matter of some dispute between the Feds and states that have legalized medical marijuana. I’m no legal expert, and i don’t know exactly how the issue of authority breaks down, but it often seems like the main issue is exactly how “bananas” the Feds are prepared to get. It often seems to come down to a question of political priorities in Washington.

Without trying to sound unbelieving—you’re saying there are “a couple hundred stores” selling pot openly in Denver?

No cite handy, but I think Obama has instructed the Justice Department to de-prioritize enforcement in medical marijuana states for most, but not all, situations.

I know there are a lot of stores in Colorado. Seems like some alternative paper out there ran an ad looking to hire a card holder to do a regular column reviewing the various products available a few months ago.

The “current use” provision I cited above only applies to drugs, not to discussion of other illegal activity. This said, we probably wouldn’t allow a thread on “Which major felonies do you regularly commit?”:wink:

That’s very easy to believe. MMJ is booming right now.