The Llama got out

Our dogs started barking early this morning. My wife went to the window and say the next-door-neighbor’s Mexican gardner standing in our front yard. She opened the window and he stared speaking in Spanish to her. I don’t understand much, but I did here him say “llama” (or Jama). I went to the pasture, and sure enough, no Llama. He had broken through a weak spot in the fence, and was wandering down the bridle path, eating yummy landscaping. With a little help from my wife, I managed to scare him back into the hole he left through. I then spent the next hour repairing the fence (Chain-link fencing really requires a tensioning tool to do right, but I used a band strap and a lot of effort).

That’s all.

It’s good you got him back.

So what does one do with a llama, anyway?

He’s basically a furry lawnmower and conversation piece. I got him as a rescue, and he’s pretty much no-maintenance, so he’s just fun to have around. I let the neighborhood kids feed him carrots through the fence.

I have a video tape on how to pack-train Llamas. Right…

Your thread title sounds like an euphemism for having your zipper undone. I think I’m going to start using it as such.

i’m glad you got him back. i love llamas. i always wanted to raise alpacas. just don’t have the space.:frowning:

Apparently, they’re also really good guards for other livestock. And they spit big loogies at things that bother them. Blech.

Llamas rock.

Here’s a photo of him, in case anyone’s curious:

I wouldn’t think that he could get very far on his own.

He is SO cute!! What’s his name?

(I didn’t name him…)

My llama is missing.
Que? No no, senor, tu llama es “beowulff”.

Dude, your llamamower kicks my Deere’s ass.

Just be glad he doesn’t have a motorcycle.

Apparently, you can take him to the Minnesota State Fair, and enter him into a judged obstacle course. My SO and I stumbled across this and had to stop to watch. It was kind of surreal, since it was all in kind of slow motion as the teenage kids led their llamas through the course. Stepping over hurdles, winding through fake trees, through a hanging tire and a water hazard.

When you see llamas where people are swimming, you shout, “Look out! There are llamas!”

Feed them ham?

Beautiful plumage!

So it kind of went…




good thing I don’t know how to post links. That llama song is running through my head now. llama, llama, DUCK!!

Awwww. How do you not just hug him all day long?

Did somebody say Llama Song? :smiley:

Cool lookin’ llama beowulff!