The Marmite Horror

Geez loo-eez. And I was under the impression that I have an impressive habit. I’ve been getting my Marmite in 500g jars and 600g tubs. I had no idea it was available in larger containers. I bow before the awesomeness of your saturation with natural B vitamins.

Well, clue me in as to where I can get Marmite in 600g tubs, and I’ll let you know where I get my 2.5 kg of vegemite from! I currently have my marmite in mere 125 and 250g jars, tho in the past I’ve gotten the 500g ones.

All those mites do wonders for the complexion, too! Just smear it on. :wink:

Sure and from the distance people would be looking at you, you would look fine.

“The Marmite Horror” sounds like a good title for a Sci-Fi (excuse me, ScyFy) original movie. Does anyone know if Bruce Boxleitner is free?

Excellent parody! Bonus points for squeezing in “eldritch,” “ichor” and “fetid,” though I will subtract a point for not spelling the latter “foetid.” :wink:

And I would suggest that if you’re not prepared to comprehend the style of a parody thread, you should find another thread to comment in instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

Got the 600g tubs on eBay. I’d hook you up with the particular seller, if you’d like. Decent price, prompt delivery.

I cannot claim to be a scholar of such… distasteful practices. I have however heard it said that the followers of the Old Ones are so horribly twisted and mad, that they pray and sacrifice to their gods so that they, the faithful, be permitted to eat the Marmite… first.

The combination of poster name and post contents here is quite disturbing.


Hmmmm Baconnn marmiiiiteeee.

Good Lord. How do Men fall so far astray from the wholesome traditions of civilization?

First, it’s technically Iä.

Second, I’d nominate scrapple for the American rant.

Not head cheese?


That is so not what I was expecting. I had images of apple crumble–wholesome autumnal apple crumble–in my head, and then I read the list of ingredients.

Actually, I found it quite distracting. I was anticipating the narrator making a reference to Marmite not being kosher or suitable for Passover or something. Otherwise, it was a good read.

I find the idea of Marmite on Ebay much scarier than Marmite itself. I endorse the Marmite on buttered toast method, or Marmite on a buttery cracker with cheddar cheese on top. It’s delicious. I also kind of like the smell of Marmite, but then I am the sort of person who opens a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips and takes a big whiff of them.

I doubt most Americans know what head cheese and scrapple are, let alone have tasted them. (The only place I’ve seen head cheese on a menu was in Paris.)

I get the idea that Marmite and Vegemite are quite popular in their homeland, so the U.S. equivalent would have to be something that’s ubiquitous here but repulsive to people who didn’t grow up on the stuff – like peanut butter.

The use of Chr-st made that moot. I was just wondering what religion this was supposed to represent. (Messianic Jews don’t use the word Christ.) The idea seems to be that, in this world where Marmite is from the Devil, certain words for other deities cannot be spoken aloud.

Still, I loved it, even though I don’t know the source material. I just thought it was a creative way of describing how bad something was. We need more creative pittings like this.

BTW: what do you marmite lovers think of peanut butter? I’ve heard that they are supposed to be mutually exclusive tastes.

What? WHAT??? Six Hundred Grams?? A pound and a third of Marmite? Lurking at my local grocer? Oh no. No no no. When the BBC has a story about a crazed man running straight through the plate glass window at Sainsburys, you’ll know I’ve seen that horror on the shelves. I turn around at the Hula Hoops on the crisps aisle. Yes, next to them is the Marmite encrusted cashews. Urgh.