The military call-ups begin: FROST calls

I just received a call from a good friend of mine whom I trained with in the Marines. He, like I, has been in the IRR (Inactive Ready Reserve) for the last year. He’s with the 4[sup]th[/sup]LAR/LAV out of Reno, NV.

He just got a FROSTcall (Fast Response On Short noTice.) This is a system by which official information may be rapidly disseminated from one central point. Essentially, it’s the first step in a military recall.

Fire it up.

Good luck, soldiers.

Don’t you forget what I said!

Ghod Bless and Ghod Speed…Here’s hoping that I may be able to at least rejoin into the Guard…


Well, stay safe and don’t do anything stupid if they do send you off. We’ll be needing you for Dopefests and the like, after all.