The mod note in the bikini thread

I currently know how to do the following things:

@discobot start {name-of-tutorial}

Starts an interactive tutorial just for you, in a personal message. {name-of-tutorial} can be one of: tutorial, advanced tutorial.

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: In skating over thin ice our safety is in our speed. — Ralph Emerson

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it

I appreciate the work the mods are doing, @TriPolar’s willingness to reconsider, and @BigT’s and others’ efforts to educate. I’ve been dealing with the everyday misogyny of men being unable to separate their sexual responses to my body, from my intentions in dressing for warm weather or water activities, since I was eight fucking years old. I’m so tired of having to defend my humanity.

Moderator Note

I don’t mind folks having some fun with discobot, but many people find it annoying and it is not productive to bring it into threads like this. Don’t use it to annoy people. Don’t use it to make a point in ATMB. If you want to have fun with it as in Colibri’s Come At Me Bro thread that’s fine, but it’s a fun thing. Don’t abuse it.

Doesn’t it bother you that your transparent efforts are so, well, transparent that there’s an entire website out there that lines out every tactic privileged people use against marginalized ones? This one’s all for you:

No one cares what you find arousing. Your erection has no value to us and your insistence that we acknowledge your sexuality is off-putting and hence creepy.

I want to hear about it. Why does human sexuality creep you out? What is this Amish America?

Reading is Fundamental. Check it out. Your reading comprehension skills are seriously lacking.

Pot, meet kettle. :roll_eyes:

Usually on the SDMB we have asked that people defend their assertions. To you that apparently means derailing the discussion. Look in a mirror…there’s the person you are looking for.

The thread in question was about female doctors posting photos of themselves in bikinis to social media and being called unprofessional for doing so.

Those women pushed back noting that they are free to wear bikinis and happy for the world to see it. They want to be seen as professional and competent doctors but also sometimes just want to be someone by the pool.

A poster here said they should do more of that cuz that will show the journal that berated them.

For that the poster got a warning and was called a misogynist.

I asked what the fuss is about and why that poster is a misogynist and y’all lose your collective, politically-correct-run-amok minds.

No one, not one person, has said why that post was “creepy” despite being asked several times. Not one person would define what misogyny is and how that applies to that poster, also despite being asked several times. The accusation was made, I asked how that fits but I guess that is too much for the people here.

The doctors in question were happy to post pictures of themselves in public forums yet everyone here is clutching their pearls that a man dare say he likes that. That even suggesting as much is an attack on them.

News flash, heterosexual men (and presumably lesbians) like pictures of women in bikinis. Women wear bikinis to look sexy. We have a major magazine that publishes a swimsuit issue in this country that is massively popular. There is plenty of less revealing swimwear if that is a concern for those women. They chose not to wear that. It is also quite possible to appreciate a photo of a woman in a bikini and still respect her and still think she is smart and whatever else. People do it all the time.

And remember, these women put themselves in public with these photos. What’s more they zealously defended doing that yet many in this thread apparently think it is wrong. Well…somehow they can wear what they want and do what they want but no one should dare react to it…or something.

The level of prudishness and puritanical posturing on here is astonishing. This was not about congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s political policies and some guy swung in to say he likes her boobs. This was a thread about women who posted pictures of themselves in bikinis publicly and when called on it defended doing so.

But TriPolar is a misogynist and I am here for an erection to hear you all tell it.

I sure hope you read that because you very much need to.

You don’t see the venerable “I know you are but what am I?” gambit used all that often outside grade school.

[400 words of pompous windbaggery deleted]

LOL. You keep right on digging, pal.

By the way, you might want to edit your post. You neglected to mention that you’ve been here twenty years.

Chicken fuckin’–it’s what’s for dinner!

You’re just mad that you have nothing useful to say.

Why choose this particular hill to die on?

LOL. I saw that you originally wrote “Ad hominem,” then quickly edited it out. Nice! I love Discourse.

If not this hill then which hill is worthy?

A person in a thread got hit with a warning and called a misogynist which is a pretty strong thing to accuse someone of.

I come here and ask what was wrong with that post and why is the poster a misogynist.

Absolutely everyone avoids answering that and instead choose to hurl insults and say I am derailing conversations (among other things). If that is derailing a conversation here then what they really want is agreement with the hive mind.

Is that the level of discourse the SDMB wants now? I know we do not have “free speech” here (which is fine and 100% understandable) but generally it has allowed speech that might be upsetting to some.

Now the PC police are on patrol and flinging scurrilous accusations and everyone is fine with it if it adheres to the PC hive mind.

I am all for decorum and standards. No one has said how that was violated here.

Seems a good hill to me.

Yeah. And…?

Have you considered starting a Great Debates thread for this topic? I have a feeling ECG is going to close this thread soon, so you should probably do that. It’s been a while since we’ve had a veteran Doper self-destruct, and I think we’re overdue.

Why is ATMB wrong for this?