This was a really cool Youtube Video clip actually. I’m not sure if it’s real or staged or what, but some of the stuff that this “Modern Samurai” does seems actually pretty impressive!
Check it out!
*Mods feel free to move this to Cafe Society if it’s a better place. Not really sure.
Very amusing. Practice, practice, practice and you can do this too!
The pea pod was the best. Just amazing. Was the challenger gay? I don’t have Japanese gaydar.
I think they said that was a cucumber. Looked like a pea pod to me, too, though.
Very impressive. That’s a hell of a lot of physical control.
That was two different demonstrations.
Personally, I liked the paintball pellet the best.
Peas are quaking in their pods across the nation with this guy around.
That wasn’t a paintball; it was a plastic airsoft pellet. A paintball, being much, much larger, would have been a much easier target.
Very impressive, though I suspect that particular demonstration took quite a few tries to get right.
That’s what I was wondering, if the guy did it on his first try then he’s is an immortal among men, but if he had like 325 tries or something, then it’s still pretty damn impressive, but slightly less so. I’m not sure though which it is…
Impressive skill! The last challenge with the iron rod seemed least impressive though. Isn’t it just necessary to hit it hard enough with the blade reasonably straight? That’s the only one I feel like I could pull off.
Maybe this guy could be an excellent baseball batter? Samurai is a much cooler profession though.
That was freaking incredible.
Nearly as interesting though is how the comments turn into a commentary on the NanKing Massacre and Unit 731. Eeeesh.
YouTube comments are like a box-uh-chocolates…