The mods Tomndebb and Jonathan Chance are intellectual cowards

You mental guppies are hiding the impotence of your arguments behind your powers as moderators.

Nice work you regressive fucks. Great to see the narcissistic manner in which you operate. It is clear that there is nothing more important to you than your own petty quibbles, and your need to prove to yourself that you live up to some perverted notion of tolerance that tolerates what is most obviously among the worst of humanity.

As my grandfather would say to people who would make up elaborate lies in order to not pay their debts to him: “It’s OK, don’t worry about it, it’s worth it to me to find our what kind of person you are.”

Clicking the links, it seems that the OP is whining about not being able to express his bigotry about Muslims in GD.

Hank, it seems like you are looking for “suicide by mod”. If you’re not, then okay, but you might want to step away from the keyboard for a few hours.

Just telling you how it looks from this side. :dubious:

Your grandpa sounds like a real pussy.

Islam is a set of ideas. Being critical of a set of ideas is not bigotry. However, refusing to differentiate between a group of people and a set of ideas, as you are doing here, can certainly be the result of bigotry.

Discussion of moderation belongs in ATMB. Since you already have a thread there, I am closing this.