The moon landing "hoax" - debunked by NASA

NASA itself has finally released a book debunking the moon landing “hoax”. Here’s a CNN article about it:

Our very own “Bad Astronomer” gets a link right from CNN! Kudos.

I posted it on this board because the topic has been debated ad nauseum] in various fora - this book will hopefully be a big step in fighting ignorance.

Sooooo pointless. The unique mind to which the “moon landing hoax” theory appeals has repeatedly been shown to be totally impervious to reason and evidence, if there’s a more entertaining fiction available.

(Tangent-- I’ve heard several people earnestly insist that alternate moon conspiracy theory espoused by the manic guy in Slacker – that the US actually colonized the moon in the 50’s, and routinely rounds up people, “erases their memory”, and ships them off to the moon as labourers, is documented fact. When I let them listen to the corny X Minus One episode from the 40’s that this is copped from, they just say that the easiest way to get the truth past the censors has always been to present it as fiction… like the X-Files. :smack: )

Apparently, NASA are still cleaning out the hangar used for the original landing and have pulled the book. And now the book will be published privately. Just like all those Apollo Hoax books.

BTW, the book hasn’t even been written yet, it wasn’t due to come out 'til next fall.

Apparently, NASA are still cleaning out the hangar used for the original landing and have pulled the book. And now the book will be published privately. Just like all those Apollo Hoax books.

BTW, the book hasn’t even been written yet, it wasn’t due to come out 'til next fall.

Dang hamsters


Yeah, he got a mention concerning the debunking book in the Washington Post. Unfortunately the article was picked up from Knight Ridder so the Post didn’t archive it and I can’t find the article anywhere else. He got a mention in the second to last paragraph IIRC. Not spectacular but still pretty dang cool.

cool!!! I just saw TBA on tech TV! congrats

Um. You did? I haven’t been down there in ages to do a show. It must have been a repeat of something!

Anyway, this whole book thing with NASA is weird. The purpose is for educators (teachers) to have a real book to have students read when the questions come up. It’s not mean to convince the likes of Bart Sibrel et al., who apparently cannot be convinced (or at least would not admit it) even if they were physically placed on the Moon.

Doy, I was sort of expecting that. They showed you in a breif segment on TechTV Techlive news (lotta techs) about the moon landing hoax people and NASA’s new evidence of something. Just remember seeing Philip Plait as a highlight.