The most horrific act you committed in a dream

I’ve had several dreams where I (willingly) have sex with the man who molested me as a child. I’m pretty sure its a power fantasy thing, you know, “controlling the abuser”. In a similar vein, I also dreamed once he actually raped me (something he never did in RL) and the dream was so vivid that I walked around the next day trying to figure out if it was real or not.

I’ve also had dream sex with my brother. And enjoyed it. :eek:


Most horrific act committed in a dream? Well… in this particular dream I was a tall, thin man in a top hat and tux. I’d died and was lying in a coffin in the middle of the funeral when I sat up very suddenly, and grinned sardonically at the people who had attended my funeral. Most of the mourners screamed, some fainted and all of them tried to get the heck out of the church. I remember feeling pretty self-satisfied in the dream. What would Freud say?

I once had a dream that I raped a good friend of mine. I woke up so upset with myself I called that friend at 3a.m. that night to apologize. She didn’t quite understand.

Well, from what I remember, I once dreamt that I was so angry at my dad for making me come along on a road trip to Mexico witha moving van to get some things out of storage (I’ve never been to Mexico IRL, BTW) and then dragging me to a Barenaked Ladies concert with a bunch of vampire-bikers from “from dusk till dawn” (I still hate that movie), that I used “Carrie”-like telekinetic powers to start a mass riot at the concert. That dream STILL gives me the creeps.

Though a slightly more pleasant if horrific dream was the one where I shot Jim Carrey. Twice. In the head. But it was justifiable, really…He WAS turning into “The Fly”, and he broke one of my windows!

Remind me to tell y’all about the somewhat Freudian dream involving a malfunctioning flamethrower, sometime…

Worst act ever comitted in a dream? Here you go:

Somehow I had become a vampire who fed off of killing, not blood. I rounded everyone that I knew up in the school’s music building, shut off all the lights except those eerie dark purple ones, and tied them up. I then took all of their coats and placed them on a table. I picked up one coat, forced them to tell me who it belonged to, them I dragged them to my ‘death chamber’, so I called it. I had them choose whether they wanted to die slowly and painfully, or quick and very painful. The first one, the principal or my school, chose quick and very painful. I shoved her into the room to my right, locked the door, and pressed a blood red button. Knives of all sizes came out of the walls, ceiling, and floor, so she had foot long blades coming out of her legs. I left her to die, then selected my next victim: my teacher who had us to work for nothing; she never graded it or anything. She got put into a room where she was skinned, then put into a vat of alcohol and salt. As I went back into the main room, I noticed that a few police were helping people escape. I pointed at them, and they exploded. More burst in, shot me, I lunged at them, And my mere touch killed them. I laughed cruelly, then dragged half of the prisoners into the knife room, the other half into the skinning room. ‘Good meal’ I said, then woke up.

That would be where I was a dentist and took someones teeth out ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Most all of my really memorable dreams are of the pretty whacked out variety.

The one that sticks with me the most, is when I was hanging out at my friends house, and was feeling pretty bored at the time. So bored was I in this dream, that I proceeded to cut my leg off, with a fork, just to see how it felt. It didn’t hurt or anything, and there was no blood, just me, with a fork, and my detached leg. Of course my friend didn’t say anything about this, and after a few minutes, it finally dawned on myself that I had cut my leg off. Wanting to preserve it, in case I wanted to get it re-attached, I hopped over to his refrigerator, opened up the door, and placed my leg inside. Then, I hopped home (about a mile)

By the time I got home, my leg was back. That one still makes me wonder how I came up with it in my sleep.

When I was little, about 5, I had two recurring nightmares that still stick with me to this day. In the first one, I would be sleeping in my room, and wake up. Upon looking into the center of the room, a stop light would be sitting in the center of the room. I have no idea why, but at age 5 this truly terrified me.

The second one was pretty weird too. In the second dream, I would be sitting in the house, and look out the window. Upon looking out the window, I would see an entire neighborhood (not mine, but a generic neighborhood), that was being eaten by a giant machine, almost as if the neighborhood was on an immense conveyer belt, being fed into this gigantic mechanical mouth.

It’s pretty strange that I am 19, and can still remember those dreams, then again, they recurred pretty often when I was little, so they just kind of stuck.

It’s so reassuring to read that-- I used to have frequent poorly-hidden-corpse dreams. “Oh my god! The new tenants at the last house I lived in are sure to look in those oil-drums in the cellar! How could I have neglected to hide them better?”

Oh yeah, had the shaggin’ yo mama dream, too. Pretty gross, that one.

Glad to know that my “dark dreams” are far-from-unique.

I have violent dreams all the time. I kill every animal I see. Snakes, a fox, a cat, mice, everything. Once, a couple of elephants and two boats of hunters were hunting me. I couldn’t kill the elephants so I hid under the rocks near the river.

I know that killing animals in a dream means that you will encounter obstacles you will overcome.

I have freaky dreams all the time, but the worst is when I killed four people, disposed of their bodies, and tried to act normal while the police and media were looking for the killer. The scary part is that I didn’t have any control over my thoughts and actions, and that I couldn’t hope for justice to save me because I was the monster.

OK, this part isn’t following the OP, but once a year I have a similar dream as pbrtallboy – I get a notice in the mail informing me that due to some kind of clerical error, none of the kids in my elementary school graduating class (that would be the eigth grade here) actually fulfilled the requirements to graduate. As a result, none of our subsequent scholastic achievements were valid.

We all had to go back to redo the eigth grade. So the dream features a bunch of 30 yr-olds sitting in too-small desks.

On to the OP…
When I was a kid, I dreamt that I tore the front legs off of a cat that was the feline equivalent of “the Evil Captain Kirk.” In the dream, I was defending my fluffy, white cat, Snowball. The evil doppelganger looked like a dirty yellow version of Snowy and had scary gold eyes and an evil snarl.

I hid the cats forelegs in the basement drain, then was wracked with horrendous guilt. As an animal lover, even though I was defending my beloved pet, such an act of cruelty went entirely against my nature. I was horrifed and have been disturbed by the thought of this dream for over 20 years.

Never told ANYONE about it until now.

My least favorite was one in which I slaughtered my entire gym class. I walked into the gym with a rifle, started shooting. For some reason, people started running toward the locker rooms, and yelling about how I can’t come in. I smile evilly and pull out a flamethrower, and you can probably guess what happens next.

The worst part was the screaming.

I woke up in a cold sweat.

Well, hell. I just now woke up from a dream in which:

It was the 1870s Confederate States.

I was teaching ‘naturalist history’…mostly species differentiation and such. Some kids and teens in the class…a few adults.

I found out that one of the men was a damyankee spy.



If that’s not bad I don’t know what is.

A long time ago I dreamt about having sex with my mother. She was wearing one of my dresses in the dream. Odd.

Last night I dreamt I participated in a contract murder of a young girl. I sweet-talked my way into her house, and chatted with her for a while. Then my psychotic murder partner (He was called number 101, and everyone else in the gang was shitfeared of him) followed me in and slashed her up. I put the boot in a few times. The lass in no way deserved to die, but we killed her. I remember wanting in on the kill.

After waking, I don’t feel bad about it, but I wouldn’t exactly call it “having fun”. I was a little icked that iampunha referred to raping women in his dreams as “having a little fun for a change”.

I’m a little ‘icked’ by how often killing and raping is the major component of dreams… I wonder if something can be learned about a society by knowing its most common dreams?

My dream is one I have all the time. I hate it.
I get into a fight with my ex-fiancee. It gets physical, and I end up just beating the living crap out of him. He was very abusive in our relationship, so I guess I’m just trying to ‘get even’.

About a year ago, someone told me that he had been murdered, and for 6 months straight, I had this dream every night. He would come into my room right after I had fallen asleep, and beg me to forgive him. I refused, he cried, I cared not. But he wouldn’t leave, so we ended up just talking. I sat up in bed and talked to his ‘ghost’ every night for 6 months. He knew more about me than most of my friends. Then I found out he wasn’t dead, and the dreams stopped the same night. Weird, I know, but I really thought I was going crazy for a while.

Um, Wikkit, the thread title is “The most horrific act you committed in a dream.” It’s selecting for nasty things. There’s no evidence in this thread that nasty, horrific dreams with killing and raping are the most common dreams of your, my, or any other society.

Just a little OT to reassure Wikkit.

I’m with Tansu… The horrifying dreams occur a tiny tiny percentage of the time. If they were a regular thing, I’d just as soon take amphetamine every night until my teeth fell out and my heart stopped. :slight_smile:

Probably the most common dream I have is so common to everyone that it’s practically a clichè– The Flying Dream. My variant of it is that I can only get up a few feet off the ground, and it takes quite a bit of effort.

Last night I dreamt I was woken up by the most beautiful music I’d ever heard. Sublime. When I actually did wake up, I was astonished that it was a product of my own imagination-- I’m not particularly musical.

So try not to let the confessional posts in this thread colour your perception of humanity too much. :wink:

I must admit, I have never had a flying dream, and only once had a falling dream, though it was kind of different. I walked up a big flight of stairs, then jumped over the banister, except instead of falling right away, I floated horizontally (very fast) about 10 feet, then fell. I remember landing, and my knees giving out. Then I woke up.

In one horrifying yet satisfying dream, I hunted down an ex-boyfriend and shot him repeatedly with a bow and arrow. I was trying to drag it out and hit him in painful but non lethal places. IRL, I left him, but I had recently found out that he had taken up with a mutual friend. Guess I was mad.