The most horrific act you committed in a dream

I think I repressed one, because all I remember from it was that it occurred at the flag pole at the school I was going to… all I remember from that dream was that I was sitting on the raised platform that the pole was on, all alone and crying.

I woke up crying, too. But I can’t remember what I did in that dream.

One that I can remember was this one in which I cheated on my SO… with my (female) cousin. Lesbian sex, FTR. :eek: That was weird.

And another time, I killed a guy I hated. Squished him with an oversized, Rube-Goldberg-esque trap.

Rereading this thread, my dreams seem a little boring…

Hi, I’m Oedipus.

I’ve also been various combinations of murderer, rapist, torturer, Death Camp Nazi pervert, instigator of the end of the world, and denizen of Hell (or something like that anyway–sometimes I’m in charge).

Usually, though, Morpheus just takes me to Pornoland.

What I’m interested in is what’s the most terrible thing I’ve done in somebody else’s dream–there’s been more than one occassion when, for the first few seconds of consciousness anyway, my wife has been pissed at me for something I did in her dreams.

Recurring horrific act: I fail out of my senior year and can’t graduate until I complete a course over summer school – oh, the humanity. The horror! The ignominy!

I have this dream every summer even though I graduated from high school ten years ago. When am I gonna be over my teen angst bullshit???

Just two days ago was this one. Vampires had taken over a rec center, with a pool and gymnasium. We didn’t know there were vampires there at first, but then some of the kids who were having a pool party started to act a little weird. One little girl–I’m talking like 4 or 5–got the “vamp face” on and came running at me. I picked up a baseball bat and smashed her in the face with it, hard. Since she was a vampire, and kind of resilient, it took several whacks to get her under control, but I can still hear the sound of the bat smashing into her skull and cuts on her face just opening up in the skin.

I’ve raped a couple of women **IN MY DREAMS **

I know there’s the thread title but I just want to be 100% sure that doesn’t get taken the wrong way.

I’ve had a lot of what’s falling in to the terrible dream catagory here… Oh yeah, and most of my dreams are used as plots for short stories I’m working on :slight_smile: LLOOOTTTSSS of good material here.

There was one… It was some sort of meeting, most of my friends were there… All I know is that they were trying get together to do something good, and I was ordered to kill them. I killed the lights and lept down from the celling and slaughtered them… Before I changed dreams I walked out of the room, covered in blood and gore and looked at the security guard standing outside (who was too scared to move). I said, “Could be worse, I could have done it for free.”

In another, I had retired from doing government at a fairly young age and I was married (the girl in the dream was my gf at the time). I came home and found my house broken into, and my wife missing. It didn’t take long to track them down. The whole time I knew it was a trap, so I took a scoped rifle with me. Finally I found them, holding a gun to my wife’s head and it was obvious they had been passing the time by raping and beating her. She was begging for me to save her, and the men holding her were telling me the only way to save her was to surrender to them.
So I shot her in the throat and walked away as she bled out.

And the list goes on really.

But then again, I stabbed my husband in the back in a dream. He had been posessed, and this was the only way to “save” him.
I remember the stabbing very clearly - being thankful I’d missed his shoulderblade & ribs, so I didn’t have to try again. ( where’s the shudder emoticon?)

Oh yeah - and I regularly have dreams where I beat up my perp - but that’s understandable.

Add me to the ‘creepy serial killer’ category.

I read a lot of true crime books, because the abberant psychology facinates me. I’m a very peaceful person. It wasn’t shocking to me how I killed the people, though it was horrible, or that I killed people. Rather it was the…joy. The pure and unadulterated savage pleasure that I felt doing it. That’s what horrified me.

My best friend about 5 or 6 years ago had a dream where I conciously decided to become a serial killer and used him for my victim zero, trying out various techniques on him to see what I liked to do best. For about a month, if I touched his arm or something he would actually flinch away. I saw him looking at me suspiciously a couple of times, too. Y’know, I don’t think that he ever really got over that. We’re not friends anymore. He just kinda drifted away.

Right after I found out my boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend) was sleeping with my best friend (now ex-best friend), I had a dream that the three of us were in her house just chatting like we normally did. He made a stupid hurtful comment, one that I normally would have just let slide, only this time I snapped. I simultaneously grabbed a knife from the little wooden block on the counter and hurled myself at him knocking him to the floor. I proceeded to rip him to shreds while screaming at him for hurting me so badly. I remember dropping the knife and plunging my hands into a newly made hole in his stomach. I remember the way his intestines felt in the dream and I remember the blood making me slip on the floor when I finally stopped mutilating him him and got up to finish my best friend off. I remember that I was angry at her for running into the bedroom to get away from me. I was so mad at her for making me go crazy. I was going to kill her because it was all her fault that I was going to jail.
That was both the most satisfying and most disturbing dream I have ever had.

How timely this thread is-I just had this dream 2 nights ago. The beginnng was pretty mundane, I was trying to incite a rebellion against the campus food service because they’d put spaghetti sauce all over my rez room. But later, I was in my Bio lab, where we were doing vivisections on baby pigs. This was not too big of a deal, it creeped me out a bit, so I wasn’t able to scramble it’s brains properly (and I knew it was feeling me cutting it) but I followed the instructor’s directions, opening the skin on the chest and down one “arm”. Then, I turned away for a moment, and when I looked back, it had become a human baby. It was sitting up in the dissection tray, looking at me, with the flaps of skin hanging open where I had cut it. Nobody else seemed to notice this transformation, or that it seemed to be trying to crawl out of the tray, and I was horrified at what I had done to this poor baby, with the wounds I had inflicted quite graphically exposed. I tried to grab it to sew it closed, but I woke up instead. :frowning:

Usually, my dreams are violent, I’m often a spy or in a war of some sort, but the only damage done is to the “bad guys”, which doesn’t bother me. That one was just weird, though.

Lesbian sex. With my little sister (she’s eight years younger). The first time I was about 20 and she was about 12. It’s happened several times since.


disgusted with myself,

A couple spring to mind. One time, I was in a gang with four people and we encountered another group of four people. I killed one of the other group with a crossbow. In the dream though, I knew that I was actually all eight people. It was pretty clear to me when I woke up that I was repressing my darker side too much. Not in actions, but in just acknowledgement that it was a valid part

Another time, I was carving roasted people up in some sort of cannibal cafe. I don’t know what that was about.

I’ve had dreams about doing horrible things to my cats, or other animals… :frowning:
I also once tore the throat out of a short fat NY cop with my teeth… well, he did try to get in the shower with me!!! :rolleyes:

I just had this dream the other night, and it is still freakin’ me out.

I was Queen Latifah’s step-sister. And I stole a bunch of her stuff, so some bad guys came after me. One particularly menacing
dude was roughing me up, so I flirted outrageously and offered him a blow job, if he let me go.

Then I bit off his dick.

No, I am not on drugs. That has to be the worst dream ever.

I don’t usually do awful things in dreams so much as I see them done to other people, or have them done to myself. Just two nights ago I dreamt that a killer found a room full of my best friends and my girlfriend and carefully snapped all their necks, leaving them alive but horribly injured. ALl of them were carefully not moving, except my girlfriend, who’d turned her head normally; the pressure on her veins had turned her face red as a blood blister and caused her to age in appearance some sixty years, and I knew she was seconds from dying when I woke up. I have dreams that vivid about two or three times a year, and about half the dreams I remember are nightmares.

But the worst thing I remember doing in a dream is being a reluctant and guilty serial killer. Nothing special in that regard.


This is related to a the “irrational fears” thread, wear I discussed one of my fears, and some of my nightmares, invovle being robbed.

I once had a dream where I had a gun, and legions of small childern would continue coming into my house to rob me. I wouldn’t want to kill them/hurt them, but they wouldn’t be bothered by the gun. I’d shoot and kill some, but they’d still keep coming, not even noticing this their buddies dying.

Do you know how disturbing it is to A.) not be able to keep people out and B.) have to shoot them and keep shooting them, even though you don’t want to and they still come? (And no, I would never shoot a kid in real life).

Horrible dream all around.

I’m leaving aside all the hide-the-corpse dreams, because in those dreams, it’s rarely clear how the person died, but I certainly didn’t kill them. . . I’ve just got this corpse to get rid of.

The most disturbing dream of that genre, though, was the one where I made stew out of a human head. That one bugged the shit out of me for a long time . . . I’d always considered myself a terribly forward-thinking Heinlein afficianado who could make a rational decision to reject silly cultural taboos like the one against cannibalism, but I was creeped the hell out by that dream. Like the other hide-the-corpse dreams, I had not procured the corpse through murder, and I was worried about what I was going to do with the rest of it . . . I’d just cooked the head, see, and the rest was in the deep freeze . . . Ick.

The very worst dream, bar none, though, was one where there were giant slugs all over the house. My cousin, who was with me for some reason, recommended that I kill them by putting salt on them. However, at some point I realized that I was pouring salt, not onto a slug, but onto a kitten. I was holding it down, and pouring salt into its eyes and nose and mouth. It was obviously in pain because of the salt in its eyes, squirming pitifully and suffocating, but could no longer even mewl, because of all the salt. I looked at my cousin for help, and she just said, “Well, you’ve got to kill it, haven’t you?” So I kept pouring.

I couldn’t look my cat in the eye for a week.

Whew The memories of the boiled-head dream and the kitten-slug dream seem to be fading . . . I can now think about them without becoming physically ill.

When I was in elementary school I dreamed that I was riding on top of a giant grizzly bear. It was chasing my two younger sisters and I was urging it on.

I had one in which I carefully shredded a person (while they were still alive) to ribbons using a razor blade.

That was bad.

Then there was the one in which I took my best friend’s head (like Podkayne I don’t know how I got her head) and allowed it to rot in my basement.

Dreams are some freaky shit.

In my dreams I’ve killed my family, beaten (but not raped) my ex-girlfriend, released a virus that would destroy most of humanity, and been the devil (doing appropriate things).

Funny part is, I never felt bad about any of this, because I knew it was only a dream–I would never do any of these things IRL. Also, I don’t have issues with acknowledging my darker side, and I think that has an effect.