The MPSIMS Spoiler Thread!

[SPOILER] Welcome to the MPSIMS spoiler thread. In this thread everything in your post is under the spoiler box. It can be anything. Secrets about you, plans for your day, links to cat pics. You name it, just spoiler it. I think it could make for a fun and suspenseful thread. Ooh, what’s next? Highlight and find out!

Just in case you don’t know how to make a spoilet. It’s whatever you put inbetween <SPOILER> This tag and this tag </SPOILER> except replace “< >” with “”.[/SPOILER]

I can’t wait to get off work in an hour in an hour, and hunt mountain lions!

I think this is my first spoiler!

But … I could be wrong … :smiley:

Jesus Christ, it’s a lion. Get in the car!

Oh yeah…


I am slowly going crazy. 1,2,3,4,5,6 switch.

Crazy going slowly am I 6,5,4,3,2,1 switch

BBS2Are you just doing this because you’re pissed you weren’t the Thread Killer?

I’m guessing about 17 posts total.

I used to cry because I had to click and drag to read some threads.

Then I met a man who had no mouse.


This could be the greatest misuse of the spoiler box since this thread.

C Well Done!

If you’re sick of clicking and dragging, just hit Ctrl-A.

Oh yes…in case you aren’t aware, my world dominations plans were set in motion 90 minutes ago. Within two days, your country will be renamed “Bristonia”.

It doesn’t matter what country you’re currently in…they’ll all be renamed “Bristonia”.

Wow, thanks! I didn’t know about the Ctrl-A.

Flander, RULER of Bristonia. Has a nice ring. :stuck_out_tongue:

Penis, penis, gina

Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!

Hal, THANK YOU! This clickin’ and draggin’ noise was making me crazy.

I got nothin’.

This text is in a spoiler box.

Meek’s OP from the link in Meek’s post is the most awesomest post I have ever seen since Al Gore invented the internet. Great job Meek.

This post has been despoiled by the despoiler!

i am in ur thred spoilin ur thots

You have a one in 29,200 chance of dying in the next 24 hours. Plan and act accordingly.

[SPOILER]Had to make this keep going after 17 posts, ya know.

Besides, I wanted to practice spoilers, so thanks![/SPOILER]

TokyoPlayer Call me Spoiler Spoiler ™. It’s on. We will go to at least 21 posts

SSG Schwartz

Dear Og no. This thread is a failure. I thought it would be funny to have to spoiler everything, but this clicking and dragging gets old.

Yes I’m trying to kill this thread. :smiley:

But it really does get old.