As you are no doubt aware MsRobyn has gone back to her beloved Texas. She had a very difficult trip down, she kept getting lost and was feeling lonely and wondering why she did it. I know that all the dopers she has talked to appreciated meeting her and that many others on the boards have followed her trip with interest. Now she is going to her parents for a bit, and I thought this would be the proper time to show what she means to the boards.
Robin, I am glad to know you, you are one of the funniest, nicest and kindest people I know. I am proud that you were the first doper I met. Your kindness knows no bounds, you will make anybody feel welcome and at home here. I hope that you will enjoy your new life and that you will keep us informed about your adventures for a long time. I am proud to call you my friend, and I know many other people on the boards are proud too. Keep smiling we care for you and good luck. I know you will truly feel at home when you see the bluebonnets bloom.
Robyn, I had a great time meeting you in ChiTown. Sorry I had to weenie out so early. As I said, it takes a lot of guts to do what you’re doing, and I wish you well.
I’m sorry you had to see Samuel L. Jackson break his leg in 12 places . . . if it’s any consolation, my dad says the fall should have killed him, so at least we didn’t have to see much blood.