I have the reprint version of NL’s “1964 Highschool Yearbook”-which details the goings on in the Estes Kefauver HS, of Dacron, Ohio.
I still find it funny…but I recall that NL did an earlier parody…several years before the “1964” parody.
Is thsi version available on-line?
I have looked for it on ebay, with no luck.
Anyway, who owns the rights to the old NL magazine?
I’d like to buy some of the issues.
Bumping to add “and the Dacron Republican-Democrat” to the OP’s request. My copy disintegrated years ago.
I have the original of both, as well as a reprint of the Newspaper Parody. The latter was reprinted in 2005 by RuggedLand Press. They also did a reprint edition of the Highschool Yearbook Parody. Both seem to be available on amazon.com, though it looks like they’re out of print.
There is a National Lampoon, Inc. that owns the licenses to the magazines, though recently they got into some hot water for some shady stock dealing. Still, the Lampoon does have a web page that used to reprint their best articles.
The Lampoon did several books around the same time as the High School Yearbook Parody. According to Mark’s Very Large National Lampoon Site, the only original book released prior to the High School Yearbook parody (there were reprint anthologies) was The National Lampoon Encyclopedia of Humor in 1973.
There may have been articles in the magazine dealing with Dacron before the Yearbook Parody, though I don’t recall them. The magazine did go back the Dacron for their November 1976 election issue, which had a long article (maybe the entire issue) describing the mayoral campaign in Dacron with the two candidates looking a lot like Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford.
You’ll have to scour eBay for back issues.
Jeez, I haven’t seen that since high school.
Who do you think was the “Mad Crapper”? I suspect
Principal Cornholt
Editor Brian McConnachie put out an official Lampoon book The Job of Sex, also in 1974. I don’t recall whether it came before or after the Yearbook parody. In any case, it wasn’t nearly as successful.
Did we ever find out whether Emily Praegger’s “appendicitis” was a boy or a girl?
I still have my copy. Loved the blurbs under the senior pics. “Fridge”.
That yearbook can be read cover-to-cover like a novel. Still love it. And what a trip to see young(er) P.J. O’Rourke in drag.
A favorite gag (pun unintended): the “vandalism” floating in the pool was discovered by somebody during the breaststroke race.
Bumping to add “I used to leave the Dacron Republican-Democrat out on my coffee table just to confuse friends, often with the shopping insert for SWILLMART on top”.
“SWILLMART: Where Quality Is A Slogan”