The new house is starting to look like a home!

Serious congratulations are due to @TubaDiva, to the other SD administrators involved in the move, and to the whole Discourse technical team!

Boxes are being unpacked and things put away, the furniture is being moved around to find the best arrangement. Even the kitchen sink from the old house has been moved and installed, and all the maintenance problems are being quickly fixed.

The new house is starting to feel a bit more comfortable, and I’m sure we’ll all settle in quickly.

I can only guess how hard you’ve all been working. Every time I look in, more things have been fixed and sorted out, and the new site is looking better and better.

The move to Discourse looks like the right decision.

The technical support people at Discourse have obviously been working round the clock and there seems to be a very high standard of responsiveness and efficiency.

Many thanks to all of you for your hard work!

:clinking_glasses: :champagne:

Especially on my mobile phone. It looks comfortable and pleasurable.

Exactly this.

When you move into a new home, you expect to have a few days where you can’t find the spoons and where that one cupboard bothers you.

It takes a little while for the newness to stop being shocking. Give it a chance, people.

Fully agreed. I wasn’t sure how much of the difference was even fixable, but clearly @TubaDiva and others have been working their butts off making everything as comfortable as possible, and every time I come back there are a handful of new improvements. I was going to complain about the font color for the “SD” in the thread view (it was too green), but even that has been fixed already. There is almost nothing to complain about any longer.

Mucho thanks to everyone that helped with the move.

I am still by habit hitting ctrl-A/ctrl-C just before I hit submit to deal with the previously-inevitable server errors, but I’m almost certain that will no longer be necessary.

Many, many thanks to TubaDiva. And thanks to everyone helping out also.

There have been so many nice changes in a really short time. Great job on that!

And there are some nice things that I’m having fun with like the preview feature, linking posts easily and the easy quote feature. Fun stuff.

Thanks so much for working so hard to make it happen.

I’ll fourth or fifth the sentiment. Yes, crap has been moved around and I can’t find my toothbrush, but I’m figuring out which light switch turns on which light.

I certainly don’t miss the Russian roulette of Gateway errors!

This looks like an appropriate thread for this sentiment: THANKS everyone who is working to improve this site and make it fit the users better. All that work on setting options and configuring themes and stuff is really appreciated!

I’d like to add my toadying to the tumult … this is good, different and better.
Thank you for the extraordinary efforts to get us this far.

Hey, I was never lost!

Seriously, it is starting to feel like home. Thanks to all concerned!

Yes! A positive thread!

I’ve been busy this week, so I haven’t been investigating as much as some of you. I appreciate all the positivity I see in this thread and all of the hard work going on behind the scenes.