I just got to this on our DVR. Finally, finally, Jen gets the axe. She continued with her habit of saying what is wrong. I wouldn’t have gone on and on about all of their mishaps.
The way they cut the judging, I feared that Jen might inexplicably squeak by with Aaron or Adam getting cut. I was quite relieved when the two of them made it.
I think Adam’s the next on the chopping block, unless he can pull out a really good dish. It’s hard to move past repeated comments that your food isn’t up to par. He can be funny and personable, but not consistently.
Aaron should go after that, unless he lets can let his personality out, and it works on camera. He could do well with a show if he eases up behind the camera.
It’s pretty obvious that the top three are Shane, Lisa and Kelsey. Shane has been a little bit of a stealth leader, particularly with Lisa and Kelsey being so over the top. I was glad to see him break out this episode. I think that he’s got a little of the Tyler Florence vibe, and he could succeed in a cooking basics type show.
The other one I can see on her own show is Lisa. If she can get comfortable, I can see her in a “Cooking with a Stepford Wife” type production – elegant but accessible home cooking. Maybe somewhere in the intersection of Ina Garten, Giada and Nigella, but in a more ordinary home kitchen.
I don’t understand how Kelsey would work as the host of a show. The obvious comparison is Rachel Ray, but Ray is less of a cheerleader and more of the girl next door who loves to cook – and talk about cooking. I don’t quite get what Kelsey would have to teach about cooking. She can probably do it quite well, but I don’t see her as an expert, and I don’t see her letting us know how comfortable we can be while cooking.
My bet is that Shane will take it all, but I won’t be shocked if either of the other two leaders win.
Speaking of RayRay, I can’t wait to see the crew on her talk show next week.