The next US President

Naw, things have been pretty much downhill ever since the Cretaceous Extinction.

I doubt people will turn on Obama like a pack of wolves. Not here, anyway. Even if he turns out to be a giant douche, there are too many people on the SDMB who’ve been singing his praises for a year and a half for the board to become anti-Obama.

Hell, look at what happened to Bush- he was obviously fucking things up, and yet hardly any of the people who voted for him/posted nice things about him were willing to admit it until about six years later.

Considering that we have twice as many people here now who are pro-Obama as we ever had people who were pro-Bush, I doubt much will change.

Big difference. 9-11 permitted GeeDub to don the garb of the War President, The Leader. His approval rating ranked second to Jesus. I’m not saying the Pubbies exploited war fever to their advantage. I’m saying they squeezed every single drop of advantage they could, up to and including actions that would embarrass a rabid pig.

It took a long, long time for people to see that the Emperor had no flight suit. Obama does not have any such advantage.

Can I just point out that in a two year campaign cycle, the US is unable to weed the idiots out of the system. What makes anyone think that if we chopped it down to three months we’d have any better luck than we do now, at keeping the idiots out of office. Can you imagine the damage we could inflict globally if we had a three month cycle and the biggest idiots got elected?

Can I just point out that we didn’t start the fire? It’s been burning, burning, since the world’s been turning.

Yes, but as one of the Watergate cronies once said, “Yeah, but you guys ran it into the ground.”

Goddamned random molecules never should have combined to form the first Life. Started this whole mess.

Or better yet;

If this Universe had never sprung into being, we wouldn’t be in this mess!

Can you imagine how fucked up it’d be if we just voted for a Party and let them figure out who the top dog was going to be?


You started it.


Well, that’s sort of how we wound up with folks like Lincoln, FDR, and Truman, IIRC. (Primaries way back when were entirely different than what we have now, with candidates being picked in smoky backrooms at the convention.)

[quote=“Czarcasm, post:49, topic:470694”]

You started it.

I did? :confused:

Show me where

I’m not entirely sure about that. I think the financial wreckage that our landscape is littered with is on par, at least in spirit, with the current hole in the Manhattan skyline. In both cases, our chickens have come home to roost and I think with the right steps and decisions (and with a LOT of help from us) Obama may be in the position to serve up some chicken soup as well as crow.

Or not.

As far as the OP:

  1. Tough shit. You’re not obliged to read the threads, you know.

  2. We’re tired of it too, but if we make it better here, we make it better everywhere.

  3. Profit.

  1. What gives you the impression I’ve read any of the threads?. I assure you I’ve avoided them like the plague

2.“If” being the operative word. Pray tell how you make it better everywhere, assuming you do make it better there

  1. Profit for whom