The Night Life of Computers

Anyone who wants to know what your computer does at night when you’re not around should go to this link . It’s amusing. The things you find out on the Web!

Badly written site.

I get nothing in iCab but a blank page.
I get nothing in Netscape 6 but a blank page.
I get nothing in Opera 6 but a blank page.

I open the source code, copy out the referenced .swf file and download it with iCab’s download manager to my desktop. It doesn’t run in QuickTime as a standalone Flash movie because “invalid media data was found in the movie”.

I dunno WTF the page author thinks constitutes compatibility, but this ain’t it. Does it only work with Internet Explorer?

Wonder how the Linux users fare with it.

I don’t know. I use Netscape 7 and it worked just fine for me. I confess myself to be at a loss.

(I didn’t know that QuickTime could play Flash movies–I’ll have to remember that–thanks for the info.)

Worked in Netscape 4.79. DiabloII kicks ass.

So… the best way to survive in an iconwar is to be the Diablo thing or the recycling bin?

The bin shoulda eaten the Diablo and then self-destructed.