The Office: "Secret Santa" (open spoilers)

I think he just skipped from the swans to the drummers. There would also be dancing ladies and pipers.

I like Dwight’s gift Idea for Bin Laden. Agree Andy’s 12 days were a little much. I would assume some of the twelve days were symbolic rather than literal offerings, but it made for a nice ending. The whole night of shows. “Parks” too.

Nothing overt, but they sorta had a moment at the end when everyone was leaving the building. Darryl held on to Angela’s arm so she wouldn’t slip in the snow, and she smiled at him. I think she smiled at him earlier too, over by the Christmas tree. A smile from Angela is third base, I think.

Yes, that’s what I was referring to. She actually put her arm on his first, which is her equivalent to a handjob under the desk.

ETA: If she starts dating Darryl, that puts her ahead of Pam on number of coworkers dated, making Angela the office whore.

Mindy Kaling was cracking up in the shot where Kevin was sitting on Michael’s lap.

liked this episode better that most episodes but i think this week the Office has sunk to the lowest out of NBC’s 4 thursday night sitcoms for me. I didn’t like Parks n Rec when it first came out but it’s grown. i think i laughed the least at the Office out of the 4.

I backed that up and rewatched it a few times. Kevin cracked everybody up in that scene, and the editing barely covered it up.

Also on Dwight’s list of things his gift could have been: “Abdominizer”

I think people are reading too much into Angela and Darryl being friendly. Everyone was in good spirits, and maybe she… needed help? I think Dwight and Angela will get there in the end. If there IS something with Darryl, I agree… it would be sucky We don’t need more office romance now.

Especially not with Darryl – I have to imagine he learned a “don’t date office crazy” lesson with Kelly.

That’s was what was so horrible about him. How many times is he going to say “Don’t tell anyone, but…” to MICHAEL???

Ryan: “I’ve been to ‘Rock Center’, and it didn’t look like that.” :rolleyes: Rock on, hipster dude. :stuck_out_tongue:

Remember how strong last year’s Christmas party episode was? Meredith setting her hair on fire and getting dragged to rehab, Phyllis spilling the beans on Dwight and Angela, Toby and the Princess Unicorn doll? The writers must save up their energies for Christmas.

I gotta agree. “The Office” is the lynchpin of the lineup for me, and it’s the whole reason I started watching NBC Thursday, but it’s been the weakest link for quite a few weeks now.

After a rough first season, P&R has really started to shine as a funny show, and it has the advantage of almost all the characters being mostly likable, unlike The Office where even the “hero” characters are getting a bit unpleasant.

“Community” is mostly just a cheesy sitcom, but the cast works really well together and there’s a lot of good comedy dynamics. I had a very low opinion of the show after the first couple eps, but it’s growing on me and I think the “Christmas Troy” tag at the end of last night’s episode was the biggest laugh I had all night.

And “30 Rock” is just consistently funny. Last night gets bonus points for having a bit more Scott Adsit than usual.

I don’t often laugh out loud while watching TV by myself, but I did during that scene. :slight_smile:

Did I miss it? Was the Oscar and cute warehouse guy plot brought to any conclusion?

I didn’t quite get what Oscar was up to there. Given the opportunity to connect, he acted totally aloof towards Matt, and accidentally-on-purpose called him by the wrong name. Pam looked distressed, but Oscar assured her that he knew what he was doing. Is he really blowing Matt off, or is he just playing hard to get?

I hope not… I still want Kevin to get back with his last love interest. Or at least explain her absence, since it made up a whole episode. I think we’ll see more Matt. Something must be in the ceilings and/or walls in that building. :wink:

Everyone owes their whole love life to it.

Some office buildings have asbestos–this one has aphrodisiac.

No, it’s asbestos. Well… I think it’s both. Toby said “it’s the silent killer” – or was that radon? Yeah Toby! the silent killer of loneliness!

Yeah, Angela’s a little more hip that she’ll ever admit. She fooled around with Dwight in a doghouse during a party at Jim’s old place, and got caught in the act doing it in the office. She’s pretty adventurous, really, though she may think of adventurous people as “coming in on the slow train from Philly.” Personally, I think Angela’s equivalent of a handjob is a handjob. :smiley:

Yes (traditionally “gold rings”, but today often sung “golden”). However these aren’t rings you wear on your finger, but ring-necked pheasants, so the first seven items (28 total) are all birds.