The Official SDMB Confession Stand

Thus are my misdeeds:

  • I love the AFLAC duck.

  • I actually find the singing bellybutton commercials a bit of a turn-on.

  • I don’t floss. And yet the natural spacing of my teeth lets my brush do a decent job of cleaning. When I visit the hygienist, she compliments me on my flossing. I take credit (hangs head).

  • I don’t always rinse the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.

WHAT??? My mother would have your head for that!


This is a sin? Ohdear, I’m going to hell on a luge run, I know it!
My confessions:

I have a secret secret crush on the Kraft Brothers from Zaboomafoo.

I chose my wine by price rather than the pretentiousness of label.

I want to write for the Weekly World News and Fortean Times.

Astroboy, you should be ashamed. And you should be punished. I think you should mow my lawn… Nothing says atonement like yard work!

My bloodline is all Polish, but, by golly, there’s something about a man in a kilt that kicks the drool gland into high gear. You’re perfectly normal, Ginger and if you ask me nice, I’ll send you some pics of men in kilts…

Whacking sisters?!? I’ll have you know that I have THREE sisters and I never once whac… er… ummm… well, try not to do that, OK? And it’s not because of the bambi-face…

Now wait a sec - I married a unibrow - he’s kinda cute! But he and I both think you should pay your bills. And pay ours too, just on principle.

Umm, Just because something is weird, bizarre, and unnatural doesn’t necessarily make it sinful. In this case, I’d recommend intensive therapy and a romp in a flower-filled meadow in slow motion.

I think the duck is cool.
I think the bellybuttons are weird.
I don’t floss either, and I’m deeply ashamed.
If you dishwasher cleans unrinsed dishes, why waste the water? Just because some of us have crappy, cheap dishwashers that aren’t worth the food scraps they recirculate…

Do you buy the stuff that comes in a box? Nothing like a box o’ wine to add a touch of class to any festive gathering!

Speaking of wine…I just love Boonesfarm…

Specifically…Snow Creek Berry. That $2 bottle is far superior to $50/bottle grape squeezins.

It truly is Nectar of the Gods.

Let me see:
I never floss… wel if somethin gets stuck…but I have western teeth
Forgot to wash the hubbys uniform last week!
Hide chocolate in my underwear drawer
Called my boss a dimwitted nit brain of a teenager… well he IS a teenager
and OH OH OH that guy on the road crew OH MY I committ adultery visually everytime I see him!!!

Well, yeah, if your gods like cheap, sickly-sweet wine… tho far be it from me to judge…

Details!!! We need details!!!

Mowing your lawn, FairyChatMom?? That’s it??

I’ll be there! Tell me when and where!
Who knew absolution could be so cheap? :smiley:
I feel so… cleansed!

I told my wife I was holed up in my office working hard, when I’m really wandering from SDMB forum to forum, wontonly posting to threads.

Uh-oh…I hear foot steps…I WAS NEVER HERE!!! OK?..

uhhh…that should be wantonly…and I still was never here!

I didn’t tell my father I was going to Texas this weekend. He found out by accident when he read my mother’s email.

I haven’t told my parents I’m engaged. I don’t intend to tell them until we set a date and start the actual planning.

Orange Park, Florida - we live on a cul-de-sac. Plan on Thursday afternoon because my Perfect Child[sup]TM[/sup] is having her Sweet 16 party on Saturday.

And the transgression here would be???

My folks met my husband 2 weeks after we eloped. They didn’t know we’d eloped. Dad’s first question was “Are you pregnant?” Parents - gotta love 'em.

It’s a LONG swim from here… but I’ll try if you’re sure you want me around your 16 year old daughter (remember, I’m the one who let a cute girl cheat just because she was cute! I ain’t right in the head, I tells ya!!:wink: )

I still have a book I checked out in junior high stashed away somewhere. I figure I owe several hundred dollers in late fees for it.

I watch Blind Date whenever I think of it and get the chance.

Tell ya what - just send the fine to me and we’ll call it even, 'K?

I sleep with 2 pillows. One for my head, and one to hold onto…ok ok…call it cuddling…I don’t care. (I’ve done it since I was a kids, ok!!? :wink: )

I have, while watching TV late at night, stopped to watch those informertials with the ‘bikinni clad ladies’…Mmmmmmsandy beaches…

I have more toys than my children.

As opposed to having more children than toys???

No no no…

My parents always give me a hard time because of the toys I collect. (Lego kits, Staw Wars figuers et al.)

Maximum, I think you forgot to mention that 1 of those 2 pillows is a Big Snoralax (Pokemon)… Oh wait, I’m sorry, you probably left that out for a reason… whoops!