Based on Hart’s list. You get one vote and the top vote-getter gets eliminated.
- Mohammed-Founder of Islam
- Isaac Newton-British Scientist, Theory of Universal Gravitation and Motion
- Jesus Christ-Son of God, Saviour of Mankind, Founder of Christianity
- Buddha-Founder of Buddhism
- Confucius-Chinese Philosopher, Founder of Confucianism
- St. Paul-Christian Missionary and Apostle
- Ts’ai Lun-Scientist, Inventor of Paper
- Johann Gutenberg-Scientist, Inventor of Printing Press
- Christopher Columbus-Explorer, Discoverer of America
- Albert Einstein-Scientist, Physicist, Theory of Relativity
- Louis Pasteur-Scientist, Pasteurization
- Galileo Galilei-Scientist, Advocated Heliocentricity
- Aristotle-Greek Philosopher
- Euclid-Greek Mathematician
- Moses-Jewish Prophet
- Charles Darwin-British Scientist, Theory of Evolution
- Shi Huang Di-Chinese Emperor, United China
- Augustus Caesar-Roman Princep, Founded Roman Empire
- Nicolas Copernicus-Scientist, Theory of Heliocentricity
- Antonine Laurent Lavoisier-French Scientist, Advanced Chemistry
- Constantine the Great-Roman Emperor, Tolerated and Promoted Christianity in Rome
- James Watt-British Scientist, Invented Steam Engine
- Michael Faraday-British Scientist, Discovered Magneto-Electricity
- James Clerk Marxwell-Scientist, Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Martin Luther-Theologian, Started Protestantism and Reformation
- George Washington-American Statesman and General, Fought For Independence of United States
- Karl Marx-Economist, Founder of Communism
- Orville and Wilbur Wright-Scientists, Inventor of Airplane
- Genghis Khan-Mongol Ruler, Founded Mongol Empire
- Adam Smith-Economist, Advocated Capitalism
- William Shakespeare-English Playwright
- John Dalton-Scientist, Atomic Theory
- Alexander the Great, Macedonian Ruler, Formed Macedonian Empire
- Napoleon Bonaparte-French Emperor, Waged Napoleonic Wars
- Thomas Edison-American Scientist, 1,000+ inventions
- Antony van Leeuwenhoek-Scientist, Inventor of Microscope
- William TG Morton-Scientist, Invented Anaesthesia
- Gugilemo Marconi-Scientist, Invented Radio
- Adolf Hitler-German Dictator, Started World War II
- Plato-Greek Philosopher, Developed Platonism
- Oliver Cromwell-British Ruler
- Alexander Graham Bell-Scientist, Invented Telephone
- Alexander Fleming-Scientist, Invented Penicillin
- John Locke-British Philosopher, Developed Democratic Ideas
- Ludwig von Beethoven-Composer
- Werner Heisenberg-Scientist, Developed Quantum Physics
- Louis Dagurre-Scientist, Invented Photography
- Simon Bolivar-Latin American General and Statesman, Waged Wars of Independence
- Rene Descrates-French Philosopher
- Michelangelo-Artist, Sculptor
- Pope Urban II-Pope of Roman Catholic Church, Called For Crusades
- ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab-Muslim Caliph, Expanded the Caliphate
- Asoka-Indian Emperor, Spread Buddhism
- St. Augustine-Christian Theologian
- William Harvey-Scientist, Developed Theories of Blood Circulation
- Ernest Rutherford-Scientist, Developed Subatomic Physics
- John Calvin-Christian Theologian, Developed Calvinism
- Gregor Mendel-Priest and Scientist, Advanced Genetics
- Max Planck-Scientist, Developed Therodynamics
- Joseph Lister-Scientist, Developed Antiseptic Methods
- Nikolaus August Otto-Scientist, Developed Internal Combustion Engine
- Francisco Pizarro-Spanish Adventurer, Conquered Inca Empire
- Hernando Cortes-Spanish Adventurer, Conquered Aztec Empire
- Thomas Jefferson-American Statesman, Wrote Declaration of Independence, Louisiana Purchase
- Queen Isabella I-Queen of Spain, Sponsored Columbus’ Expeditions
- Josef Stalin-Dictator of USSR, Expanded Communism
- Julius Caesar-Roman General, Ended Roman Civil Wars
- William the Conquerer-Norman Duke and English King, Led In Norman Conquest of England
- Sigmund Freud-Psychologist, Developed Freudian Psychology
- Edward Jenner-Scientist, Developed Vaccination for Smallpox
- William Conrad Roentgen-Scientist, Invented X-Ray
- Johann Sebastian Bach-Composer
- Lao Tzu-Chinese Philosopher, Founded Taoism
- Voltaire-French Philosopher
- Johannes Kepler-Scientist, Developed Theories of Planetary Motion
- Enrico Fermi-Scientist, Developed Atomic Bomb
- Leonhard Euler-Mathematician
- Jean-Jacques Rosseau-French Philosopher and Writer
- Nicoli Machiavelli-Political Theorist
- Thomas Malthus-Economist, Developed Malthusian Theory
- John F. Kennedy-American President, Originated Manned Mission to Moon
- Gregory Pincus-Scientist, Invented Birth-Control Pill
- Mani-Founder of Manichaeism
- Lenin-Russian Leader, Founded Communism in Russia
- Sui Wen Ti-Chinese Emperor, Reunited China
- Vasco de Gama-Explorer, Discovered Cape of Good Hope
- Cyrus the Great-Persian Emperor, Founded Persian Emperor
- Peter the Great-Russian Emperor, Modernized Russia
- Mao Zedong-Chinese Dictator, Established Communism in China
- Francis Bacon-Philosopher, Developed Scientific Method
- Henry Ford-American Industrialist, Developed Mass-Production Techniques
- Mencius-Chinese Philosopher, Expanded Confucianism
- Zoraster-Founder of Zorasterianism
- Queen Elizabeth I-Queen of England, Made England a Naval Power
- Mikhail Gorbachev-Soviet Leader, Liberalized and Helped Break Up USSR
- Menes-Egyptian Pharaoh, United Egypt
- Charlemagne-Frankish Monarch, Founder of Holy Roman Empire
- Homer-Greek Poet, Writer of Epics
- Justinian I-Byzantine Emperor, Recovered Much of Roman Empire
- Mahavira-Founder of Jainism
I vote Karl Marx.