What actors and actresses are in the most movies with the fewest deaths?
My first thought was Tom Hanks, though I can name his deaths in a few movies, namely:
Philadelphia - he does die in this, doesn’t he?
Cloud Atlas - kind of a cop out since he plays several roles and his biggest one survives
The Ladykillers - again, he does die in the end, right?
What else has he died in? Also, who has more big appearances with only a few deaths?
I don’t think Tom Cruise has had many movie deaths.
Sylvester Stallone hasn’t, either.
Saving Private Ryan.
I’d vote for John Wayne, just off the top of my head.
Has Harrison Ford died? He’s made a lot of movies, so surely he has.
October 7, 2013, 10:25pm
Did John Wayne ever do a death scene?
The Cowboys comes to mind, as does The Shootist.
That depends how you interpret Vanilla Sky .
Wouldn’t this have to be specified as “name above the title” performers? (Given that there must be zillions of character actors who’ve never had a filmed death, I mean.)
The Cowboys
The Shootist
Sands of Iwo Jima
The Wake of the Red Witch
Just off the top of my head.
And possibly Minority Report, though it would be death only via eternal suspension.
Does he die in Collateral?
October 7, 2013, 11:06pm
Julia Roberts died in Steel Magnolias but has she had any death scenes since then?
I read Stallone died in Death Race?
How about Eddie Murphy?
October 7, 2013, 11:08pm
There was a meme (before the idea was invented) that John Wayne never died, but obviously that wasn’t strictly true.
The Alamo, for one – it’d be hard for him to star in it without dying, unless he played Santa Anna.
October 7, 2013, 11:12pm
And possibly Minority Report, though it would be death only via eternal suspension.
Does he die in Collateral?
Yes, also in Valkyrie and Oblivion .
Harrison Ford died in What Lies Beneath .
Yes, he does. He was the first actor I thought of but it looks like he’s done his share of dying on screen.
Jason Statham? He plays a lot of action hero roles which strangely don’t die very often.
He’s done more than 50 movies I think…any others? Even Sean Bean survives now and then.
True. You can kind of count Crank, but not really.
Yea, but the question is more interesting if we limit it to actors who have never died in a major role. The list of actors that rarely die is gigantic.
(that said, I suggest we discount “he got better” type deaths, as in Oblivion )