The opposite sex

Women’s clothing. Women have so many options when it comes to clothing and accessories. Men’s clothing is rather boring. And no, cross-dressing doesn’t interest me; I’m talking about women’s clothing on a female body.

That, and giving birth.

I have, on a mountain top, up in Chitina Alaska…and there was more that occurred as well…

:smiley: But that was when I was a spring chicken, nowadays I prefer not to frighten possible passers-by.

Oooh honey NO, no you don’t want that. The only thing good about that is the end result. Though I have to admit, the being with child part is pretty rewarding at times. :slight_smile:


Me too! Most of my superiors have been straight women, though, so in my personal experience you guys have it better on that one.

Not menstruating would be the only factor that would be a real advantage to me.

It would be fascinating to live in a different gender for a short time. (FWIW, Jennyrosity wrote a play about this, that’s been performed a few times. The play, not the actual change. :D) But long-term? Nah. I’m too attached to the way I am.

Better orgasms.

Also, the option to wear a sleeveless top and short skirt on hot days.

I envy the presumption that you know how to care for children and that you can be trusted with them. Men ALWAYS have to prove themselves in that arena. With women, it’s just a given.

If a guy wants to go swimming at any time of the year, he can just throw on some trunks and go! Most women need to check the status of their grooming and do what needs to be done to be swimsuit ready. Also, guys can get dressed up to go out in a heartbeat. Suit, shirt, tie, shoes…done. We’ve got: dress or blouse and skirt? Which shoes? Which makeup? Which accessories? Which perfume? Gah!

I always enjoyed peeing outdoors. Now that I know women envy it, I’m going to do it as often as possible. :smiley:
As a man, there are so many things I do not envy about a woman. PMS, self esteem issues, the fact that you can NEVER really have a best friend, etc. However, if I were a woman I’d be able to see and enjoy romantic movies without criticism or forcing my SO (who doesn’t like them anyway) with me so I don’t look out of place in the theater.

I’m a man and I hate peeing outdoors. Only ever done it when desperate.


I’d love to be able to pee standing up. Wouldn’t have to worry about the mosquitoes and I could keep my eyes on the monkeys!

For some of us this has a rather nasty flip-side, in that we are assumed to be wonderful at taking care of children when in fact we have no idea what we are doing and no interest in doing it. There is no panic like being handed a newborn baby and told to ‘‘keep an eye on her while I’m in the kitchen’’ when you’re a 12-year-old girl who is terrified of small children.

Fair enough. Sometimes when I’m getting a negative vibe from the Dope it’s hard to suss out individual perspectives and intentions and easy to overgeneralize about motive.

That said… I just don’t live in that world of stereotypes people keep alluding to. There’s pretty clearly a ‘‘wrong’’ and pretty clearly a ‘‘right,’’ and when I’m wrong I say so, and when he’s wrong he says so, and when we both fucked up we both admit it. We watch the same TV, listen to the same music and converse with our friends about the same things. This yawning chasm that many seem to perceive just doesn’t exist for me.

I can’t even say, as a woman, I’ve ever been subjected to that much sexism, either. Never been patronized at a car dealership or had my hard work ignored in favor of a man. I know institutional sexism exists – we have the research to back it up – it’s just that personally, there’s a disconnect. I’ve never imagined I was limited in any way by my gender. I’ve never felt anything but equal. Which means I’ve never felt anything but equal responsibility in a relationship.

In much of the rest of the world, the man bag is very stylish.

Yes. I know this is anecdotal evidence but I have NEVER seen a woman/woman best friendship work. Men are always competing against themselves. Women are always competing against each other. It is possible but I’ve never seen it.

Thanks for the plug Sam!

Surbey, you think women can never really have a best friend? Seriously? I have a large circle of male friends, who I adore, but there is no-one I’m tighter with than my best girl friend. When the whole world goes to pot, when everyone else has turned their back on me, when I am utterly lost and alone, she will be there, no matter what. And vice versa.

Having given the matter some thought, there is nothing I envy about the opposite sex. I don’t mind periods that much, and the ability to pee standing up would be in no way compensate for having such ridiculous-looking and easily harmed genitals.

I envy the massive advantage women have in legal child custody issues.

I actually was thinking of writing the opposite – that I feel bad for people my father’s age whose friendships are all based around work and don’t really seem to have anyone they can talk to, aside from their wives (which doesn’t really help if they’re having marital problems).


Talking to stereotypes(I also said women don’t fart), I’ve seen it work a few times, usually blows up rather quick for both parties involved, male and female superiors, and they all end up unemployed. (laughing to myself over specific situations I’ve seen)

One other thing women have, “daddy’s little girl” syndrome, I’d love for somebody to come over, fix my leaky faucet, mow my lawn and take away my trash, and THEN leave beer. Then again I shouldn’t complain, thats my GF, and I don’t have to pull the weeds or fix the faucet and I get to drink the leftover beer.