The [Pathetically Geeky] Star Trek Rate-a-Babe

Good call.

Hmph. I’ve been told Ezri does too. If that’s the case, I’m coming out of the closet right now

I ranked ‘em together intentionally but if I had to choose, it’d be Robin Curtis’ portrayal.

So’re his pants. He saw Trip in his undies again.

My life has been validated!

There was an uncredited girl in TNGs show about that metamorph (yes, I agree she was a pretty little girl) who was awesome looking.

The severe looking watcher/keeper/chaparone was, for about 17 seconds, in their stateroom, right before Worf comes in (I think), this ultra cute little blonde. She was giggling and all girlie like. You hardly got a chance to see her before she was El Uggo again, and then a big ol’ monster! Yikes!


Was it Goo?

Mmmmm… Ishara Yar… mmmmm… Beth Toussaint

I thought when I saw her on ST:TNG that she should (or could) be Linda Hamilton’s sister, and was sad that she only appeared the once on Babylon 5 as Anna Sheridan (replaced by Melissa Gilbert).

<sigh> Can’t find photo link… well, except for the one offering me famous nude pics, but I won’t post that one in Cafe Society. :wink:

I can’t believe no-one has mentioned Marlena Moreau (TOS Mirror Mirror - BarBara Luna).
Two others from the original series - Eve McHuron (Mudd’s Women - Karen Steele - “I’ve never met a paragon of virtue” is one of my favorite lines) and Edith Keeler from City on the Edge of Forever.

Marla McGivers! How did I forget Marla McGivers?

…agreed, this thread isn’t showing off the geeks enough!!!

Ensign Munro, aka Jana Marie Kupp, from the TNG episode “Disaster”

Julie Cobb, as the Yeoman in “By Any Other Name”

Sito, the lovely Shannon Fill, in the episodes “Lower Decks” and “The Final Duty”…

…may they all rest in peace… :frowning:

Leslie Parrish was the object of Richard Bach’s affection in his tribute to falling in love, The Bridge Across Forever.

Leslie Parrish was also Jocelyn Jordan in The Manchurian Candidate. I’d almost be willing to be snakebit if she would apply “the treatment”.

And I’ll have to go along with a bunch of the moderns:

Leah Brahms
Ensign Ro
Jadzia Dax
Ishara Yar

Well, sure, for one shots, there were some real hot babes. The platinum blonde warrior babe in silver lame fomr the “Gamesters of triskelion” or whatever the episode was called come to mind.

But episode after episode, as cast regulars- we have only T’Pol & Seven as “hot babes”. As opposed to “good looking women” or “cute chicks”.

Hoshi is cute, and maybe the girl you’d want to marry- but NOT a 'hot babe". Same thing for Tasha & Uhura. Maybe Yeoman Rand might qualify as a “hot babe”. Troi is a maybe- but more along the lines of “good looking woman”. But Dr Crusher? Oedipus might think so… :smiley:

Another from the female persective:

  1. Worf–head ridges above anyone else.
  2. McCoy–attitude, good looks, killer accent.
  3. Sisko–especially after he shaved his head. Mmmm. Hawk [non-Trek Spenser reference].

First one to say ‘Joan Collins’, dies.

I had a Cockney friend who I thought had an Oedipus complex.

Turns out he just didn’t like cats.

I’m surprised no one’s mentioned Ensign Tsu from the first season ST:TNG episode “The Arsenal of Freedom”.

When that episode first aired, they had to place drool mats all over rec.arts.startrek.

I am Jack’s Hamburglar!

I know what you’re doing.

Go away.
This is my only reply to you.