There is a thread concerning the MMORPG City of Heroes, which closed its doors almost a year ago. I wanted to create a specifically separate thread for The Phoenix Project’s Kickstarter so that more eyes would see the message that I’m trying to spread. Since Kickstarters are by definition an organized request for money, I took the prerequisite step of asking the mods if such a thread as this would be allowed, and I was told I could proceed. Onward!
I won’t belabor the boondoggle that surrounded the sunsetting of the City of Heroes game; anyone who cares to know the details already knows. One of the strongest parts, perhaps THE strongest part, of the game was the player community. I say was, but that community, while no longer having an active City of Heroes game as their nucleus, nonetheless kept a dedicated core of players and fans (shout out to the Titan Network!) together, determined that their favorite game would not go gentle into that good night. Or at least the essence of that game.
A huge group of volunteers has come together over this past year to craft a game which is being called by some a spiritual successor to, not a copy of, City of Heroes. They are known as Missing Worlds Media, and their efforts to build a game containing all the things players loved about City of Heroes (and more!) have taken great strides thus far. This effort is titled The Phoenix Project, and the game-in-progress has now been named City of Titans. Enough work has been done that Missing Worlds Media is now in a position to open a Kickstarter fundraiser, which actually did begin today, October the 2nd. As I type this, their goal of $320,000.00 has passed the 40% point in just over 18 hours. Here is the direct link to The Phoenix Project Kickstarter:
The Phoenix Project - City of Titans
If for some reason the above link doesn’t work for you, please visit and search for "Missing Worlds Media’, “The Phoenix Project”, or “City of Titans”.
The main page of The Phoenix Project Kickstarter should tell you a lot about what the progress, goals, and intentions are. Obviously, no one reading this need pledge one thin dime. I’m posting here so that former City of Heroes players, if they haven’t seen the news elsewhere, and others may learn of this project. Whether you played City of Heroes and were a huge fan of the game, or only played a while and moved on, or never heard of City of Heroes while playing one of the other superhero-themed MMORPGs, or you never knew there were superhero-themed MMOs at all but it sounds interesting, please come take a look. If superheroes aren’t your cup of tea, but you know gamers who might be interested, please point them towards The Phoenix Project Kickstarter. Any level of participation you indulge in is and will be most appreciated, even if all you’re doing is reading this post.
Thanks for your attention!
Disclaimer: any errors or misrepresentations contained in the above message are my fault, and should not reflect on Missing Worlds Media, of which organization I myself am not a part of.