Apologies if this indicated the 2067th ‘in the great tradition of’ Robert Ludlum, or 97th Tom Clancy.
Of all the groups most at risk from this election, just after young women, but before muslims, Students are hit hardest. Fortunately they are capable of tough self-help and resilient enough to fight back through inexpensive therapy in the greatest frontier, can-do, spirit that saw America through the birth of a nation and endless, endless, wars.
“Leaders at their Best: Resiliency, Self-Compassion, and Play.”
Would you like to be happy, hopeful, and empowered? Join us for exciting, fun activities that will help develop resiliency and strength-based coping through self-compassion, active gratitude, and play. Participate and win exciting rewards!
Cornell held a Cry-In, Yale a Group-Scream, Pennsylvania made a Safe Space with puppies and coloring books, Kansas loaned out therapy dogs,; but Michigan’s Post-Election Self-Care event seems the most effective at dealing with trauma and promising for everyone else. “food" and "play,” including “coloring sheets, play dough (sic), positive card-making, Legos and bubbles with your fellow law students.”
For whilst this is, rightfully, healing the best and brightest, why should the rest of the country be denied the means of recovery offered to the future leaders of tomorrow? Do we not suffer? Do we not bleed? Where’s our playdoh?
Silly brats. Everyone knows that when an election doesn’t go your way, you stockpile guns and ammunition, convert all your assets to gold and start doing drills in the woods so you’re ready for the impending FEMA/United Nations-sponsored Godless One-World Invasion and Race War.
More more more participation trophies for kids are the answer; they can serve to accelerate the rate of suicides of millenial weaklings like this who don’t excel at anything so there will be fewer of them on campus. And I’m sure decent mental health professionals like Keith Ablow get tired having so many of these helicopter children as clients for 10 years who never learn.