The players tried to leave the field, the marching band refused to yield, what details have been concealed, the way they tased this guy?

A very odd story of a band director who wouldn’t stop band directing.

That is a really weird story.

Why were the police trying to clear the stands? Why did they feel the need to stop the bands from playing? Why did this band director feel the need to continue playing? Why the hell did it escalate to a tasing?

Nothing to add to the story, but what a brilliant thread title!

I’m thinking of that band director from “Funky Winkerbean” now (Harry L. Dinkle)

Sounds just like what some high school band directors would do. I guess some of them are rational people but there some who think being a band director is an exalted and powerful position because they get to order around teenagers.

That’s a Fark-worthy headline there, or at least worthy of Fark when I last was reading there some 15-odd years ago now. :+1:

The officers were probably paid for the gig and were in a rush to get out of there after it ended. Game was over and fans getting ushered out and band director figures they’re not hurting anybody getting in some good practice finishing their song. Probably figures it’s easier for band members to carry their instruments back to the bus when they don’t have to push through a crowd.
Overzealous rent-a-cop gives the old “no, you have to leave NOW!” (I have other stuff I want to do tonight). Shoving match starts, neither wants to stand down, and it escalates into the story.

Maybe it was a battle of the bands.

Band directors from competing rivals. High tension. “Let’s take 'em guys”
Footballs fans and families get riled up in the stands. Fights start. Some kid tossed a smoke bomb. The war is on.

Sorry, I got carried away…

And one of the things they arrested him for was resisting arrest.

Reasons? We don’t need no stinkin’ reasons.

That a guy could end up doing (presumably, 4/4) time for such a bizarre and trivial offense leaves one speechless.

Before I read the article I assumed the band refused to leave the field after halftime or something like that. In my marching band days our band director made a point of emphasizing that we had to be off the field before halftime was over. If we weren’t, our team would be penalized.

But it wasn’t that; it sounds like the band was in the stands performing after the game. That is totally a thing we would do. This sounds like bands from two rival schools showing their school spirit by trying to one up each other.

From what I remember from being in the band like 25 years ago, it was totally normal for us to play as the crowd was leaving. Especially if our team had won.

Yeah, as someone who was once heavily involved in high school marching band, this sounds like a team rivalry thing out of control.

Were the students arrested for continuing to play?

Another article.

I never understand the resisting arrest thing. What does the alleged law breaker think, they’re gonna give up and just say ok you can go now.
It never ever happens that way.

If you’re detained and put under arrest your options are now limited. Just take it and go through the process.

I get the adrenaline is high and maybe you feel like you fighting for your life. It just always ends badly.

Right? 1,000 internet points to Darren!

I’ll venture a guess at the first two questions. Around here, we have at least four high schools who are limiting attendance at their football games this season because fighting has broken out at the games (and HS football season is only just getting started.)

It may be in Birmingham that the cops have decided one way to reduce the chance of fights is to clear out the stadiums and disperse the crowd ASAP after the games end.

As to the second two questions, my only guess is that it’s because human beings are involved.

Hmm, looking at the photos, i have to wonder if the band director’s race played any role.

The players tried to leave the field, the marching band refused to yield, what details have been concealed, the way they tased this guy?

They started singing,
My, my, Miss American Pie…

Yeah, me too. As soon as I saw the photos, I thought, ah, Birmingham cops being unreasonable assholes makes more sense now.

After he was tased, I’ll bet the tempo kicked up a few notches! :upside_down_face: