Surely the war can’t be about professional jealousy - a war of words so to speak.
Oy vey! As if it was not bad enough that John Asshat (oops, I mean Ashcroft!) is writing and singing very cheesy patriotic songs. Now we have another member of the Bush Regime thinking he is some kind of artist.
No thanks! I’ll stick to Allen Ginsberg and the other Beats for poetry, and the Grateful Dead/Bob Dylan/Phil Ochs et. al. for music.
I like it. I for one will be happy to contirbute to endow a chair in something like Modernity and Language for him at a small Midwestern University, provided he can start right away.
[sub]He’s not actually claiming to be a poet, folks–Slate has lifted his words directly from transcripts of briefings and such. So, he’s a poet and he don’t know it. His poetic nature is seeping through and is not wholly repressed even by the business of war. That’s pretty powerful stuff, war poetry is.[/sub]
Well, then, here’s a reasonable proposition: we on the Right will get Rumsfeld to stop writing poetry (for which he probably has no real talent) if you on the Left will get Allen Ginsberg to shut up about politics (about which we KNOW he’s an ignoramus).
I believe Allen Ginsberg is dead.
So he is, as of April 5, 1997.
As Popeye would say, Garshk, this is embarraskin’.
i feel sooooooo inspired!!!
Rummies day at work,
bombs over Bagdad today
what rhymes with Saddam?
Rummy’s Poetry log - April 4, 2003
astorian said:
Olentzero said:
Okay astorian, we’ve kept our part of the bargain!
Jees, and all we had to do was kill 'im.
Now this is just…words fail me. Is it necessary to take a drug test before you get the Secretary of Defense job?
What was Ashcroft’s song, again? I remember hearing it-it was pretty bad.