The Poetry of Donald J. TRump -- July 28 2020 edition

The Poetry of Donald J. Trump – Post Election Analysis

This is a terrible thing that’s happened.
The mail-in ballots
Are a disaster.
They sent
Millions and
Millions and
Of mail-in ballots.

I’m sure you know people that got
Or four,
Because I do,

Where they said,
‘You know,
We got four ballots.’
They got one at a country home.
Dead people were seeing ballots.
But even worse,
Dead people were applying
To get a ballot.
They were making application
To get ballots. …
You know,
We’re not talking about 10 people,
There are a lot of dead people
That so-called voted in this election,
But dead people were,
In some cases,
In many,
Many cases,
Thousands of cases,

But also dead people
Made application to vote.
They were dead
10 years,
15 years,
And they actually made application.

This is total fraud,
And how the FBI
And Department of Justice —
I don’t know,
maybe they’re involved —
But how people are allowed
To get away with this stuff
Is unbelievable.

This election was rigged.
This election was a total fraud.

Special Demented Edition – Valdosta, Georgia December 5, 2020

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.

We won a lot of places.
We won Florida.
We won Ohio.
We won them big.

We were going to lose Florida, they said.
We were five down in Florida.
We won by a lot.
We were way down in Ohio,
And we won by a lot.
I think they say that if you win Florida,
And if you win Ohio,
In history you’ve never lost an election.

This has got to be a first time.
But the truth is,
They were right.
We’ve never lost an election.
We’re winning this election and –
And I will say we’re fighting very hard for this state.
When you look at all of the corruption
And all of the problems having to do with this election,
All I can do is campaign,
And then I wait for the numbers.

But when the numbers come out of ceilings
And come out of leather bags.
You start to say,
“What’s going on?”
But I want to just tell you that I am –
I love this state.
I love the people in this state,
And I’m thrilled to be back in magnificent Georgia.
With thousands of proud, hard working American patriots.

Here’s one

Two Beauties by Donald J Trump

There’s never been a time
Like this
Where you have two at one time
At least you have
Two beauties
And you know what?
You also have
Two beauties
Running against him
But beauties in a different way
They’re two beauties

But there’s never been a case
Where a state
Has had this
Prominence on
Senate races cause

They’re never together.

And here’s another - thanks for the link, Cal - this is fun

Guys in my Pocket by Donald J Trump

In my pocket here
We have a couple of them
Right in here


Bert, Bert
What are you, a young guy?
I thought you were young
But not that young

Bert Jones
I want to thank you , Bert
for being here
You’re friendly with the man next to you


Huh, he’s a man of courage
Thank you very much, Bert
I appreciate everything you’re doing
And so does this big crowd
And this is a big
This is a lot of people

Also Brandon Beach
Senator Brandon Beach

Brandon, thank you
For everything
We appreciate it

William Liggins

Where’s William?

Why are you so far away, William

From them?

Oh, I like that group better
Actually, I agree

And Greg Dozo
Where’s Greg?

Greg, thank you very much
Greg, we appreciate it
Really do
We appreciate it

Great People

The Poetry of Donald J. Trump – Special Capitol-Storming Insurrection Edition

So we’re going to –
We’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.
I love Pennsylvania Avenue.
And we’re going to the Capitol,
And we’re going to try and give –
The Democrats are hopeless,
They never voted for anything.
Not even one vote.
But we’re going to try and give our Republicans,
The weak ones
Because the strong ones don’t need any of our help.
We’re going to try and give them
The kind of pride and boldness
That they need to take back our country.

So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.
I want to thank you all.
God bless you
And God Bless America.
Thank you all for being here.
This is incredible.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.

And after they did…

I know your pain.
I know you’re hurt.
We had an election that was stolen from us.
It was a landslide election
And everyone knows it,
Especially the other side,
But you have to go home now.
We have to have peace.
We have to have law and order.
We have to respect our great people in law and order.
We don’t want anybody hurt.
It’s a very tough period of time.
There’s never been a time like this
Where such a thing happened,
Where they could take it away from all of us,
From me,
From you,
From our country.

This was a fraudulent election
But we can’t play into the hands of these people.
We have to have peace.

So go home.

We love you.

You’re very special.

You’ve seen what happens.
You see the way others are treated
That are so bad
And so evil.
I know how you feel.
But go home
And go home in peace.

Special addendum – from a Tweet that Trump later took down

These are the things
And events that happen
When a sacred landslide election victory
Is so unceremoniously
And viciously stripped away
From great patriots
Who have been badly
And unfairly treated for so long.

Go home with love
And in peace.

Remember this day forever!

The Poetry of Donald J. Trump – Rush Limbaugh Memorial Edition – Feb 17 2021

Rush thought we won,
And so do I
I think we won substantially.
And Rush thought we won.
He thought it was over at 10 o’clock;
It was over.
A lot of other people feel that way,
But Rush felt that way strongly.”

Many people do.
Many professionals do.
I don’t think that could have happened to a Democrat.
You would’ve had riots going all over the place if I happened to be a Democrat.
We don’t have the same support of certain levels of the Republican system,
But we have great people as Republicans.

Rush felt we won.
He was angry

We didn’t talk much about that.
I didn’t want to talk about that too much, either,
Because I was disappointed by voter tabulation,
I think it’s disgraceful what happened.

We are like a third-world country on election night
With the closing down of the centers
And all of the things that happened
Late in the evening.
He was furious,
Many people are furious.
You don’t know how angry this country is.
People were furious.

Moral: Don’t invite Trump to give your eulogy.

The Poetry of Donald J. Trump – Twitter Edition

I really wanted to be somewhat quiet
It hasn’t been that quiet,
But I wanted to be somewhat quiet.

I understand on Twitter,
It’s become very boring
And millions of people are leaving.
They’re leaving it because it’s not the same,
And I can understand that.

We were being really harassed on Twitter.
They were putting up all sorts of flags.
They were flagging almost anything you see,
Everything I was saying was being flagged.
It’s just disgraceful.

And you have other foreign countries
Saying the worst things possible
And they don’t do anything about it.

It’s become very boring
We don’t want to go back to Twitter.

I assume that’s the Royal “We” . Or maybe the Trumpian “We”

March 11 2021 – Special COVID Vaccine edition

I hope everyone remembers
When they’re getting the COVID-19
(Often referred to as the China Virus)
That if I wasn’t president,
You wouldn’t be getting that beautiful ‘shot’
For 5 years,
At best,
And probably wouldn’t be getting it at all.
I hope everyone remembers!

Who would have suspected that Trump knew about chiasmus?

Trump Tried To Tweet Without Twitter And It Went South In A Hurry

March 25, 2021 – Special Delusion Edition on January 6 insurrection

transcribed from Fox TV

They’re going after people –
I guess you’d call them “lean toward the right” –
And they wave American flags,
In many cases they’re waving the America flag,
And they love our country.

It was a zero threat.
Right from the start
It was zero threat.

Look –
They went in,
They shouldn’t have done it,
Some of them went in
And they’re hugging
And kissing
The police and the guards,
You know that they had great relationships.
A lot of the people were waved in,
And then they walked in
And they walked out.”

Policeman being hugged:

The Poetry of Donald J. Trump – Special Wedding Crasher edition

I just got,
I turned off the news,
I get all these flash reports,
And they’re telling me about the border,
They’re telling me about China,
They’re telling me about Iran—
How’re we doing with Iran,
Howdya like that
They were ready to make a deal,
They woulda done anything,
They woulda done anything,
And this guy goes and drops the sanctions
And then he says,
‘We’d love to negotiate now,’
And Iran says,
‘We’re not dealing with the United States at all,’
Oh, well,
They don’t want to deal with us

And China,
The same thing,
They never treated us that way,

You saw what happened a few days ago,
Was terrible,
The border is not good,
The border is the worst anybody’s ever seen it,
And what you see now,
Multiply it times 10,
He’s the only one I know
Who would handle the border tougher than me.”

We have to,
And the tough is…
In the most humanitarian way,
Because that’s what it is.
What’s happening to the kids,
They’re living in squalor,
They are living like nobody has ever seen anybody,
There’s never been anything like what’s,
And you’re gonna have hundreds,
And you have it now,
They have the airplane photos,
The shocks,
And they call ’em shocks,
And these things are showing
And thousands
Of people
Coming up from South America
And it’s gonna be,
It’s just
It’s a disaster.
It’s a humanitarian disaster from their standpoint,
And it’s gonna destroy the country,
And frankly,
The country can’t afford it
Because you’re talking about massive,
Just incredibly massive amounts.
Our school systems,
Our hospital systems,

So it’s a rough thing,
And I just say,
‘Do you miss me yet?’ “
We did get 75 million votes,
Nobody’s ever gotten that.
They said,
‘Get 66 million votes,
And the election’s over.’
We got 75 million
And they said…
But you know,
You saw what happened,
10:30 in the evening,
All of a sudden
I said,
‘That’s a strange thing,
Why are they closing up certain places,

Now, a lot of things happening right now,
I just wanted to say,
It’s an honor to be here,
It’s an honor to have you at Mar-a-Lago,
You are a great and beautiful couple.
Have fun.

“And the tough is”. Wow. So true, so true. The tough, indeed, is.

Because that’s what it is.

Taken right from the transcript, verbatim.

Does anyone know who Jim is?

Evidently someone who was at the wedding

You can watch the video of the speech here. Trump points to Jim – whoever he is – 45 seconds into it.

Did Trump attempt to grab the bride’s pussy?

None of the websites reporting on this story seem to tell the series of events that lead up to the speech and what happened after, so I can’t tell you.

I think that if he had done anything as noteworthy as this, it would have made the news. Heck, since people clearly had cellphones to record the toast, they’d have recorded any bizarre or noteworthy behavior, too.

Since they didn’t, it seems a reasonably conjecture that Trump didn’t indulge in any other outrageous behavior. At least at the time.

“LED up to the speech.”

That is all.

The guests -and the happy couple- probably loved it, though…just because they’re the kind of people who have their wedding reception at Mar-a-largo.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they got married in MAGA hats in front of a Trump flag and went all “Capitol” on the cake, beating it with flagpoles.

They probably PAID Trump to wander in and blather to the crowd.