The Pope has resigned. The Vatican has deleted his Twitter history.

I mean, seriously? What reality are these guys living in?

I don’t have the energy to write a really good pitting, but this is so strange to me.

I mean, one thing you can say for Mormons, they revere record-keeping. The Vatican just thinks the peasants aren’t literate enough to notice that things are gone.

Oh okay, there is still an archive of Pope Benedict’s tweets. Here:

Sede vacante.

Well, since it is the private Tweeter of the Pope and he’s no longer it, it makes some sense, especially if the have a record of it online.
Kinda like changin the picture when you get a new president.

Also, the new Pope is going to be in the rare position of having a living pope only a two lbocks away. I think it’s a way of giving the new guy a fresh start.

It’s not like he posted anything controversial (or incriminating). He posted popish stuff. Like blessed are the Cheesemakers. I don’t know why it is even worth mentioning.

I’m more surprised that he tweeted at all.

Tech savvy people can get a copy of a racist tweet from a congressman that is deleted within 5 minutes after someone stops it. You really think deleting a Twitter account hides anything?

Are you kidding? The Vatican Archives have astonishing levels of detail for the past 800 years.

So sad. I hear he was told not to use the Vatican as a reference when he applies for other jobs.

I hear he’s interested in becoming a greeter at UPIM.

Apparently his Tweets weren’t bull.

And they should be open so the world can see them, not be hidden away by a bunch of perverted old child rapers. They belong to all of us not Evil Incorporated aka the catholic church.

I just wanted you to know that this post [del]will not[/del] did not go [del]unpunished[/del] unrecognized.

This thread delivers.

According to the Wikipedia article, they are open to qualified scholars. I think that’s typical for archives. And some of the documents within the archives are hundreds of years old. Some are delicate; many are valuable. Opening to the general public can cause problems.

And according to the archives’ web site, only documents up to February 1939 plus documents pertaining to prisoners of war from 1939 to 1947 and some documents pertaining to the Second Vatican Council are available for researchers.

I’m not surprised. I believe the same thing is true for other archives. Aren’t only the older records of the US Census Bureau available?

My initial point was that the OP said of the Mormons (and in apparent criticism of the Catholic Church), “they revere record-keeping.” I’m saying that the Catholic Church also keeps meticulous records, stretching much further back than most other institutions. (Of course few other institutions are as old or as well-connected.)

Benedict XVI

Dude, this is cheese we’re talking about here. The real question is: If Jesus was so perfect, how the hell did he forget the cheesemaker shout-out?

Perhaps the Vatican is well aware of computer hacking so they played it safe.

You know, you don’t want egg on your face …

as in …

Eggs Benedict