The Portland Black Bag Thread--Temporarily Closed?

I just closed the thread again myself by reporting a post in it. (Colibri had intended to close it, but failed.) I’m not sure this is a feature we want.

I opened it and closed it again. Hopefully there’s no timer on it now and it will stay closed.

There’s got to be joke about self-resurrecting threads discussing dead celebrities, but I’m not going to make it.

Unfortunately, Discourse’s efforts to be “helpful” are often anything but. I’m starting to feel like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice.

I’d like to see that thread re-opened. Oregon’s governor has announced an agreement with the Feds and it seems ridiculous to start a new thread.

I’m getting flashbacks to Clippy.

It looks like you’re having a nervous breakdown. Would you like to talk?

C’mere. I need some help opening this CD drive.

Are you looking for Windows Help? You can find that by… < metallic screaming ensues. >

I don’t think they have much interest in that, so I opened a new thread in MPSIMS.

Original thread has re-opened. Hope it stays that way.

I’ve posted a version of that story, as I’d been intending to do since I came across it that morning. The story’s been updated in the meantime and looks somewhat less certain. but still IMO hopeful.

It looks like in order to reach Level 2, you have to give and recieve at least one “like.” I’ve never “liked” anything on SDMB and it’s a feature that I think is corrosive in social media. It’s disappointing that the structure of the board is creating incentives to do that. And I haven’t noticed that there is a “like” function available anyway.

Likes are turned off for SDMB.

Our intention was not to use Discourse’s trust levels. Some people have still managed to reach level 2, which was not our intention. The folks in charge are looking into the issue.

If you are one of those who managed to reach level 2, please do not do things like edit post titles or move posts to other forums, and don’t do anything with spam other than flagging it like everyone else does. Leave the moderating to the moderators.

Note that retitling and recategorizing topics is available at level 3, not level 2.

Thanks for the correction. Should have probably checked instead of just going by memory.

I actually assumed Level 2 was intentional, as it claims it gave us the ability to edit or delete posts. And I note it has an ignore list, which was supposedly limited to Level 3.

I unfortunately couldn’t finish the “awesome” tutorial with discobot, as I can’t undelete a PM, which is required to finish the tutorial. So I can’t see all the features it actually gave me.

It would make sense if Level 1 was limited in case you’re a spammer.