Where the hell did the Pit threads go?

I just popped over and there were all of 9 threads there? I know there were more than that this afternoon, like on the order of 20+. Any one know what the hell is going on?

I was wondering that myself. Did you email any of the Pit moderators?

I just came from there and I’m not seeing any problem. Maybe it has to do with your connection? (Just a WAG)

There are only five threads dated past Noon PDT.

I’ve got the same problem. Only 8 threads. :confused:

I’ve been noticing that the threads have been getting fewer for a couple of days. It’s slimmer than I have ever seen.

I know! I know! Coldfire’s not moderating today!
I’m taking a chance with that, I don’t think I’ve ever interacted with the man on the board, but it’s with a smiley (and sympathies).

Sir Rhosis

It must have to do with the way the board’s been performing lately. With such a slow response time, it takes longer to add new threads and post to them.

Yeah, jab, that’s about what I had figured. It just seemed really strange. I actually thought I was maybe on page 2 or something.

Well, perhaps, just maybe, people are enjoying the warm summer air and are less stressed/pissed/angry? Nah, prob’ly the slow boards.

I suspect that the default setting has been changed. If you look at the different forums, you have a choice to select threads from ‘last day’, ‘last 2 days’ , ‘last 5 days’ etc. In Great Debates, it used to be set for ‘the last 10 days’ as the default (could still be), I think GQ is set at last day (and still has 3 pages often). IIRC, the Pit used to be set at ‘last 2 days’ or so.

so, what you’re seeing is only half of what you used to see. if you manually switch the toggle to ‘last 2 days’ I’ll bet you’ll see the more familiar large number of threads.

That’s my bet anyhow.

I’ll just move this to ATMB, where on of my more important colleagues will definately have an answer ready.

Don’t look at ME, I have no idea what’s going on. All I know is that the board and individual threads are taking forever to load, IF they manage to load at all.


Well, maybe the techs changed the default settings for the fora in order to decrease the load pressure on the server anytime someone hits a forum. Since the Pit is not THAT fast a forum, the one day option would seem logical.

Of course, I might as well be talking out of my ass here. On most days, I’m happy just remembering my password.

I’m probably totally confused by this, but I thought that the default settings for forum pages were somehow set by the user (I have “past 10 days” for the two comments threads and GD, “two days” for GQ, “one day” for MPSIMS, IMHO and the Pit).

In any event, I did notice that yesterday, the number of Pit threads in the last 24 hours was unusually small, significant enough to be clearly noticeable. I forget when I logged in, but I noticed a fairly big gap between some of the “last posted” times. I thought maybe the board was down, but there were no similar time gaps in the other forums.

I say we just pick one good explanation and stick with it.

Wring did it. :slight_smile:


'zat mean that wring is our designated scapegoat for the week?


Statement: “The boards are intermittently interminably slow”
Answer: “wring did it!”

Statement: “I stubbed my toe and it hurts.:(”
Answer: “wring did it!”

Statement: I forgot to set out the trash on Thursday.
Answer: “wring did it!”

I could get to like this! :smiley:


I had a nocturnal emission last night…

“The world was going down the tubes. They needed a scapegoat. They found Wring.”

(With kudos to Gary Larson)

Looks like wring could get 2 or 3 sigs out of the last few posts.