I’m just starting the second season - no spoilers as to S2 except to answer this question, please - but what do we know of the President’s political background? Prior service in the Senate, House or as a governor? Business background, personal life, etc.? I forget what we learned about him, if anything, in S1.
According to the show’s wiki page for President Walker:
“Some time before his election to the Presidency, Walker was the Governor of Colorado, having been elected in 2006 defeating Republican U.S. Rep. Bob Beauprez (having succeeded two-term Republican Bill Owens) to the governor’s mansion with 57.2 percent of the statewide vote and re-elected in 2010 in a three-way race, garnering 53 percent.”
“Prior to entering politics, Garrett had a career in the private sector including being C.E.O. of Pioneer Airlines”
Here is the website, but be warned - there are spoilers that give away the entire second season.
You asked about personal life too. President Walker is married to Patricia and they have two children. She becomes a more prominent character in Season 2.
Hope I haven’t spoiled anything. My sister has never forgiven me (Breaking Bad spoiler ahead)
for telling her that Walter White dies at the end of Breaking Bad.