The President's Day MMP

That’s my main concern, too. I told the dentist that I already have an upcoming head gasket repair so my disposable income is well disposed of at the moment.

At some point I need to vacuum the Stately Turret. I’m sure the cats have deposited a nice new layer of cat fur over it since I shampooed it last week. Durwood already upchuked a little on it the other day. :mad: Bastard cat. :mad:

I’m up, and annoyed.
I wanted to go on Amazon and buy my wife a birthday present, (a book). I had it all picked out and everything and ready to check out. They said I could have it in 2 days if I signed up for Amazon Prime. Otherwise it was gonna be delivered at the end of March! :eek: 4 to 5 weeks to mail a book to me! Screw that! I went on E-bay and ordered it.

Also, the Suburban is dead. Again. Son-in-law came over Friday to borrow it and when he tried to start it it clicked a bunch, which means the starter isn’t getting enough juice. I had used it Thursday to jump start the Ford, so I checked the wires and all carefully. Nothing out of place or disconnected. Maybe I did something to it during that operation, but I dunno what. Nevertheless, it’s my fault. Wife says call the mechanic and see what he says. I know what he’s gonna say; “bring it in and we’ll fix it.” If I could get it started I would. :dubious: I’m getting sick of these old cars. “Why don’t you buy a new car?” you ask. I did! I bought a new Scion 4 years ago. Do you think I ever get to drive it? Hell no!

To make my life even more wonderful, I have a dental appointment tomorrow to get started on a new crown and filling. I don’t have dental insurance of any kind. It’s gonna be around $1600.00 all in. :eek:
I had hoped to get at least one of my cataracts taken care of this year. Harumph!

My eyes haven’t changed since last year - well, except the cataracts are slightly worse. Doc says I’ll probably need surgery by the time I’m 70. But my prescription hasn’t changed. Still, VSP covers virtually all of the cost of the new specs, so I’m going to have a more recent spare pair and I can get rid of the 4-prescriptions-ago glasses that have been on my nightstand for TV viewing.

I did splurge for nicer frames, since the ones with no copay were either plastic or too tight on my skull (all them brains, you know! :D) Anyway, for $40, it was worth it to me. So that’s done.

Then I picked up **FCD **and we went to our usual breakfast cafe for lunch. The owner came up to us and asked “Do you know what day it is?” 'Cause we’re never there during the week, y’see. Anyway, nice lunch and I’s stuffded. **FCD **is napping and I just finished ironing 5 of his shirts. Someone nearby dropped a tree that I could feel when it hit. In fact, I ran to see if it was one of our trees that came down, but we’re good.

I think I shall watch some TV and afghan for a bit. Dunno if either of us will want supper after a late, filling lunch. And so our long weekend winds down. Still waiting for a call from the garage for his car. That’s the last chore of the day.

My brother, who for over a year has been suffering from leptospirosis, diagnosed long after the curable stage, finally had a liver transplant last week. Things are looking good, he’s already more alert (between sedation periods) than he has been for weeks. I am very happy.

Great news, BatBoy!! Here’s hoping his recovery is quick and complete!!

Back from claiming FCD’s car. Just for giggles, I’ve also refilled the pellet stove and I’m about to close the house again because it’s cooling down a bit. Still - open windows in Merrylande in February?? Insane!!!

I got a free ice cream today! And I finished up my ice cream loyalty card.

My life is pathetic… :stuck_out_tongue:

Life with free ice cream is NEVER pathetic!! You lucky duck!!

The library in which the cafe I work in is located was closed today. But President’s Day is used foremployee meetings and workshops. The food comes from our place, so I had to work. That’s okay, it means I don’t lose any pay.


I guess next time I go to the ice cream store, I’ll have to get a new card.

What does it mean, “Lucky duck”?

It means you are lucky! I agree by the way. Ice cream is a good thing.

About a month ago my little truck died. This morning, the clutch went out on my wife’s car. We now have no vehicle and I don’t know what we’re going to do.

Mrs. Plant (v.3.0) went out to lunch, and for her to hunt pokemons.

She pulled into a church parking lot.

CP: “I don’t think that the Baptists hold with pokemons.”
Mrs. P: “hunh?”
CP: “They probably think they are demons or something.”
Mrs. P: “It’s ok as long as you don’t dance with them.”

bumba, it must be back order time of year. Half the Amazon order that I places a couple of weeks ago won’t be here until the middle of March.

Mooooom, with my vision insurance, I just got two pair of trifocals and had my old spare pair of glasses tinted for sunglasses and got out of there for $100 out of pocket.

Yay BatBoyBro! May he recover well.

The carpet is vaccuumed and a load of laundry is ready to go in the dryer. Other than supper cleanup and folding clothes, the rest of the evening is playing in the studio.

That sucks Rio. :frowning:

I got lots of culture today as I went to two museums, both free for “Washington’s President’s Birthday Day”. Ol’ George himself showed up at one & read a letter; purdy cool!

The only way Doggio could get that much culture is by eating a whole case of bleu cheese.

I need to get an implant done, even after the insurance, my dentist wants to charge me $6000 - $7000! :eek: Methinks Imma gonna shop around first.

Howdy Y’all! Home from men’s night over to the church house. We had a good crowd and as usual ‘twas fun. We signed a “Thinking Of You” card for one of our group who is a nursin’ home for rehab. He’s had it rough lately. Anywho, it’s the same nursin’ home JDD’s folks are in and I had already planned to go visit them tomorrow, so I shall take the card to Jim. I know he’ll be happy to know we miss him and want him back soon. Hopefully he’ll be able to go home in two weeks.

BatKid great news about your brother!

Midget ice cream, especially free ice cream, is never a bad thing.

{{{rio}}} that sucks! Hope y’all figure out sump’n soonest.

NEVER!!! However I would consider walking at a comfortable pace for some cushy government post were it offered. :wink:

It wasn’t luck, so much as an ice cream obsession, that got me a free ice cream. :stuck_out_tongue:

I worked. I went to Canes Corner. I got Rod Brind’Amour sto sign my jersey. Life is good.:slight_smile:

Sorry, Rio. :frowning:

Yay, Batboy!