"The Princess Bride" thread

“I’m the foot fucking master!”

Oh, sorry, that was Pulp Fiction, my Other favorite movie.


“She does not get eaten at this time.”

“You keep using that word…”

The cast is all but perfect, woman can pant after Cary Elwes, men over Robin Wright, the script is outstandingly well adapted - of course the same guy wrote boo and script. And they ride off into the surise, what could be better?

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.

posted 11-23-1999 09:35 PM

                 How much do I love this movie? Enough that I named my cat

Not only one of the greatest movies of all time, not only one of the greatest books of all time, but also one of the greatest book-to-film adaptations of all time.

I’m glad LauraRae mentioned as their favorite line:

this is the exact moment when I became convinced that the book was entirely Goldman’s creation. Everything else is almost plausible if you don’t do any basic research. But with that subtle anachronistic comment I knew… and I smiled, and am still smiling about the genius of this work.

As for lines… so many have been mentioned because so many of us use more than one. One more that I have not seen yet - one that is oft repeated between my lady fair and I….

Once in a while you can get shown the light
in the strangest of places
if you look at it right…

Note to self: calm down when cutting and pasting

UndeadDude and I probably tell each other “Have fun storming the castle” once a day or more.

O p a l C a t

It wasn’t a line per se, and all the best lines have already been mentioned, but I loved it when Wesley explained that “The Dread Pirate Roberts” was essentially just a fancy title passed on from one pirate to another.

My favorite line??? EVERY DAMN LINE IN THE MOVIE!! :slight_smile:
Truly…there is nothing in that movie I DIDN’T like!

Yes, I am a brat…and it’s hard work!!

“I must know.”

“Get used to disappointment.”

I can’t look at Mandy Patinkin in anything without thinking of the expression on his face during this brief exchange.

Hero For A New Millennium!

The Legend Of PigeonMan - updates every Wed & Sat

YES! I get to be The One Left Out - again!

First, I really liked the movie. Really, really liked it. Loved - maybe, maybe not. Probably.


The character of the Princess sticks in my craw, most of the time. Every time she passes up a chance to be the slightest bit active, and passively waits for someone else to take care of things (like when the ROUS is a-comin’) I wince. Note that she didn’t start out that way - she jumped into the eel-infested waters to try to swim for it, didn’t she? - but somehow, as I see it, her character changed. I’m sure that there are all sorts of rationalizations about why she was that way (including: it was just easier) but I remain steadfast in my belief that the movie would have been even more interesting if she had had more than one dimension to her character - or even just a whole dimension, rather than being a walking mannequin through the middle of the movie. Even just more expression, more identifiable feeling when faced with inescapable fate, might have made the difference…

What was she like in the book?

She was the most beautiful woman in the world, and she was dumb. Really dumb. But it was funny…there were many jokes about Buttercup’s intellect.

Oh, I LOVE this movie! I bought it so that I would save money from renting it all of the time.

Most of my favorite lines are here already except this one:

Buttercup: We got married
Wesley: Did you say “I Do”?
Buttercup: Well, no, we sort of skipped that part.
Wesley: Then you didn’t

One of my other faves, Labyrinth (I hope I spelled that right - it’s late, I’m tired, and it just doesn’t look right), just came out on video, I can’t wait to go out and get it - the video store will never see me again. :slight_smile:

Scientists say 1 out of every 4 people is crazy. Check three friends. If they are OK, you’re it. =^…^=

“Truly, you have a dizzying intellect”

I use that for my error sound…<G>

Mom always said there’d be days like this…she just never said there’d be so MANY of them!!!

at a renaisance faire my mother and i saw a guard with a sword
as a joke my mother went to him and said “HELLO…”
the guard inturrupted and in an annoyed tone said “I know you’re Inigo Montoya, I Killed your father, i should prepare to die…Don’t you think i hear that about a thousand times a day!!!”

This is my absolute favoritest movie of all time…in high school I got the video as a present and for the next three years watched it everysingleday after school. For a while there I could say the whole movie by heart, line by line…can still do most of them.
The mother of my best friend from college would tease her by saying that when she (the friend) got married, she (the mother) would hire an officiant who talked like the Bishop.
Said best friend got married this October. I was the maid of honor, and at the rehearsal, when the minister got to the point where he’s about to start the sermon, I and all the bridesmaids break into “Mawwiage…mawwiage ith what bwingth uth togevvah today.” I think the bride regreted inviting me for a moment, but everybody else (who of course knew the family joke) just about fell down laughing.

Aside from the fact that this is the most perfect movie of the millenium, I think if we add just a few more lines, this thread will contain the entire script!

“He’s only mostly dead…if he’s all dead, there’s only one thing you can do…go through his clothing for loose change!”

When someone tries to tell me something I’m not particularly interested in hearing, I cup my hands over my ears and say in a feeble attempt at a Billy Crystal Yiddish imitation, “I’m not listening!”

And a friend and I used to go around saying, “To blave - which everyone knows means to bluff. Your were playing cards…”

Imagine my delight at seeing this thread, glad to find (many) kindred spirits, most of my friends don’t quite get it and so do not share my love of the movie.

Some other poignant moments :-
Hear this now - I will always come for you.
(don’t you just melt)

I especially like the scene at the end when they are discussing ‘to the pain’ and the Westley’s last speech
“It’s possible, pig, I might be blufing. It’s concievable, you miserable vomitous mass, I’m only lying here because I lack the strength to stand. Then again, perhaps I have the strength to stand after all. (whereupon Westley stands and raises his sword to Humperdinks neck) (the moment we all get chills) Drop… Your…Sword”